Elektra 0.10.0
Types of KeySets


A KeySet can be used in different ways. Among these are at least:

  • As originally intended, a set of configuration data
  • Metadata of a Key
  • General associative array data structure

Only KeySets with one kind of keys makes sense. These types have slightly different requirements, and therefore need to be treated differently. Currently, keys of different types can be arbitrary intermixed, leading to many error variants and error code that is time-consuming (full iteration is needed).

The KeySet for metadata (returned by keyMeta) also has the special requirement, that it must be restricted to metadata keys, even when it is empty.


  • API must be minimal
  • API must be safe to use for each of the different types
  • KeySet returned by keyMeta must always be limited to meta:/ keys


  • The types are not different enough to warrant the overhead of entirely different APIs and data structures.
  • Introducing a type safe API with different C-types for each type of KeySet, is not worth the necessary API duplication.

Considered Alternatives

No restrictions

Leave KeySet entirely unrestricted, so it can be used for each use case.

Sometimes there can be odd edge cases. For example, what should a storage plugin do, if it receives a KeySet with both configuration data and metadata.

Restriction based on first <tt>Key</tt>

To effectively create different kinds of KeySets, we restrict which Keys can be inserted into a KeySet based on the first Key in a KeySet.

Any Key except cascading keys can be inserted into an empty KeySet. Only Keys matching the type of a KeySet can be inserted into a non-empty KeySet. The type of a KeySet is determined by the first Key, i.e., ksAtCursor(ks, 0). Transitively, this means the type of a KeySet is fixed when the first Key is inserted and when a KeySet is cleared, it becomes "type-less" again.

The different types of KeySet will be:

  1. Metadata: Can only contain Keys with namespace KEY_NS_META.
  2. General data: Can only contain Keys with namespace KEY_NS_MISC.
  3. Config data: Can only contain a mix of Keys with namespace KEY_NS_SPEC, KEY_NS_PROC, KEY_NS_DIR, KEY_NS_USER, KEY_NS_SYSTEM and KEY_NS_DEFAULT.

Importantly, Keys with namespace KEY_NS_CASCADING can never be inserted into a KeySet. This is a restriction that simplifies the logic for cascading lookups. Instead, the KEY_NS_MISC namespace should be used.

Cascading lookups always try the namespaces allowed in the type of KeySet in order, but never try KEY_NS_SPEC. This means cascading lookups work for all types of KeySet the way a user would expect.

The special restriction for the KeySet returned by keyMeta can be solved by adding a new flag to struct _KeySet:

bool forceMeta : 1;

Different structs and APIs

Extract the implementation of KeySet into an internal API (and possibly data structure). Expose a different type and API for each of the use cases.

This creates unnecessary overhead and at least some code duplication, even if it is minimized by extracting the implementation.

KeySets also have Namespaces

Add a ksSetNamespace API which allows to change the namespace of a KeySet. This requires an alias KS_NS_CONFIG to the namespaces KEY_NS_SPEC, KEY_NS_PROC, KEY_NS_DIR, KEY_NS_USER, KEY_NS_SYSTEM and KEY_NS_DEFAULT.

Only keys of the namespace set to ksSetNamespace can be added. ksSetNamespace fails if called after keys were added.

While the term "namespace" (NS) is used here, it may be better to use "type" to avoid confusion.

This alternative conflicts with the constraint of minimal API.




Related Decisions
