Elektra 0.10.0
Use Case: Get configuration


  • Scope: libelektra-kdb
  • Level: Developer Goal
  • Actors: Application, Elektra
  • Brief: Application loads configuration from KDB


  • Precondition: -
  • Main success scenario:
    • Application requests current configuration from KDB
    • Elektra loads from backends
    • Elektra returns configuration
  • Alternative scenario:
    • Application requests current configuration from KDB
    • Elektra detects configuration hasn't changed and is already present in memory (of current instance)
    • Elektra returns previously loaded configuration
  • Error scenario:
    • Application requests current configuration from KDB
    • Elektra fails to load requested configuration
    • Elektra returns error with problem description
  • Postcondition:
    • The returned configuration MUST exactly match the requested part of the KDB
  • Non-functional Constraints:
    • Applications SHOULD be able to err on the side of "better load config more often than needed" rather than "only load when necessary".
      • Loading configuration MUST be reasonably fast, especially when nothing has changed (caching!).
      • Reloading configuration MUST NOT destroy previously loaded configuration.