Elektra  0.8.13
Class Hierarchy

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This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
[detail level 123]
 Ckdb::tools::BackendA representation of the backend (= set of plugins) that can be mounted
 Ckdb::tools::BackendInfoInfo about a backend
 Ckdb::tools::BackendsAllows one to list backends
 Ckdb::CommandUsed by contexts for callbacks (to run code using a mutex)
 Ckdb::ContextProvides a context for configuration
 Ckdb::ContextPolicyIs< Policy >Needed by the user to set one of the policies
 Ckdb::CoordinatorThread safe coordination of ThreadContext per Threads
 Ckdb::DefaultGetPolicyImplements lookup with spec
 Ckdb::DefaultSetPolicyImplements creating user/ key when key is not found
 Ckdb::Discriminator< Base, D >This technique with the PolicySelector and Discriminator is taken from the book "C++ Templates - The Complete Guide" by David Vandevoorde and Nicolai M
 Ckdb::Discriminator< Setter1, 1 >
 Ckdb::Discriminator< Setter2, 2 >
 Ckdb::Discriminator< Setter3, 3 >
 Ckdb::Discriminator< Setter4, 4 >
 Ckdb::Discriminator< Setter5, 5 >
 Ckdb::Discriminator< Setter6, 6 >
 Cstd::exceptionSTL class
 Cstd::runtime_errorSTL class
 Ckdb::tools::ToolExceptionAll exceptions from the elektratools library are derived from this exception
 Ckdb::GetPolicyIs< Policy >Needed by the user to set one of the policies
 Ckdb::KDBConstructs a class KDB.
 Ckdb::KeyKey is an essential class that encapsulates key name , value and metainfo .
 Ckdb::KeySetA keyset holds together a set of keys
 Ckdb::KeySetIteratorFor C++ forward Iteration over KeySets
 Ckdb::KeySetReverseIteratorFor C++ reverse Iteration over KeySets
 Ckdb::LayerBase class for all layers
 Ckdb::LockPolicyIs< Policy >Needed by the user to set one of the policies
 Ckdb::tools::ModulesAllows one to load plugins
 Ckdb::NameIteratorFor C++ forward Iteration over Names
 Ckdb::NameReverseIteratorFor C++ reverse Iteration over Names
 Ckdb::none_tThis type is being used as bottom type that always fails
 Ckdb::ObserverPolicyIs< Policy >Needed by the user to set one of the policies
 Ckdb::PerContextA data structure that is stored by context inside the Coordinator
 Ckdb::tools::PluginThis is a C++ representation of a plugin
 Ckdb::tools::PluginsA collection of plugins (either get, set or error)
 Ckdb::SetPolicyIs< Policy >Needed by the user to set one of the policies
 Ckdb::ThreadSubjectSubject from Observer pattern for ThreadContext
 Ckdb::VaNeeded to avoid constructor ambiguity
 Ckdb::ValueObserverBase class for values to be observed
 Ckdb::WritePolicyIs< Policy >Needed by the user to set one of the policies