Elektra  0.8.18

title: 'Elektra: universal framework to access configuration parameters' tags:

name: Markus Raab orcid: 0000-0002-1493-9065 affiliation: TU Wien (TUW) date: 23 July 2016

bibliography: paper.bib


Applications today typically directly work with custom configuration files. Up to now, it was difficult to integrate and specify the configuration of such applications. Elektra [] provides a framework to bridge this gap [].

The research value of Elektra is two-fold: First Elektra allows us to intercept unmodified applications [] and extend their configuration access with the features Elektra has []. Second Elektra provides a plugin framework [] where researchers can experiment with new configuration features. Elektra allows us to directly apply novel ideas on many existing applications for case studies. Furthermore a code generator [] simplifies writing new applications [].
