Elektra  0.8.19


Libraries need a pervasive testing for continuous improvement. Any problem found and behaviour described must be written down as test and integrated so that after running all tests in the build directory:

make run_all

and on the target (installed) system:

kdb run_all

it is assured that no new regressions were added. To run memcheck tests run in the build directory:

make run_memcheck

For tests in the build directory ctest is used, so you alternatively also can call ctest with its options. On the target (installed) system our own scripts drive the tests.

Some tests write into system paths. If the access is denied, several tests will fail. You have some options to avoid running them as root:

  1. To void running the problematic test cases (reduces the test coverage!) run ctest without tests that have the label kdbtests: ctest --output-on-failure -LE kdbtests
  2. To give your user the permissions to the relevant paths, i.e. (once as root): ``` kdb mount-info chown -R whoami kdb get system/info/constants/cmake/CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX/kdb get system/info/constants/cmake/KDB_DB_SPEC chown -R whoami kdb get system/info/constants/cmake/KDB_DB_SYSTEM ``` After that all test cases should run successfully as described above.
  3. Compile Elektra so that system paths are not actual system paths, e.g. to write everything into the home directory (~) use cmake options: -DKDB_DB_SYSTEM="~/.config/kdb/system" -DKDB_DB_SPEC="~/.config/kdb/spec" (for another example with ini see scripts/configure-home)
  4. Use the XDG resolver (see scripts/configure-xdg) and set the environment variable XDG_CONFIG_DIRS, currently lacks spec namespaces, see #734.



The testing must happen on every level of the software to achieve a maximum coverage with the available time. In the rest of the document we describe the different levels and where these tests are.


This is basically a bunch of assertion macros and some output facilities. It is written in pure C and very lightweight.

It is located here.

ABI Tests

C ABI Tests are written in plain C with the help of cframework.

The main purpose of these tests are, that the binaries of old versions can be used against new versions as ABI tests.

So lets say we compile Elektra 0.8.8 (at this version dedicated ABI tests were introduced) in the -full variant. But when we run the tests, we use libelektra-full.so.0.8.9 (either by installing it or by setting LD_LIBRARY_PATH). You can check with ldd which version is used.

The tests are located here.

C Unit Tests

C Unit Tests are written in plain C with the help of cframework.

It is used to test internal data structures of libelektra that are not ABI relevant.

ABI tests can be done on theses tests, too. But by nature from time to time these tests will fail.

They are located here.

Internal Functions

According to src/libs/elektra/libelektra-symbols.map, all functions starting with:

get exported. Functions not starting with this prefix are internal only and therefore not visible in the test cases. Test internal functionality by including the corresponding c file.

Module Tests

The modules, which are typically used as plugins in Elektra (but can also be available statically or in the -full variant), should have their own tests.

Use the Cmake macro add_plugintest for adding these tests.

C++ Unit Tests

C++ Unit tests are done using the gtest framework. See architectural decision.

Use the CMake macro add_gtest for adding these tests.

Script Tests

Script test are done using POSIX shell + CMake. See architectural decision.

The script tests have different purposes:

Fuzz Testing

Copy some import files to testcase_dir and run:

/usr/src/afl/afl-1.46b/./afl-fuzz -i testcase_dir -o findings_dir bin/kdb import user/tests


To enable sanitize checks use ENABLE_ASAN via cmake.

Then, to use ASAN, run run_asan in the build directory, which simply does:

    ASAN_OPTIONS=symbolize=1 ASAN_SYMBOLIZER_PATH=$(shell which llvm-symbolizer) make run_all

It could also happen that you need to preload ASAN library, e.g.:

    LD_PRELOAD=/usr/lib/clang/3.8.0/lib/linux/libclang_rt.asan-x86_64.so run_asan

or on Debian:

    LD_PRELOAD=/usr/lib/llvm-3.8/lib/clang/3.8.1/lib/linux/libclang_rt.asan-x86_64.so run_asan

See also build server jobs:


For bounded model checking tests, see scripts/cbmc.

Code Coverage


    make coverage-start
    # now run all tests! E.g.:
    make run_all
    make coverage-stop
    make coverage-genhtml

The htmls can be found in the build directory in the folder coverage.

See also the build server job:

See also