Elektra  0.8.19
Use Case: <Title>



Title: <Title, e.g. Authenticate> Scope: <Scope, e.g. Authentication> Level: <Level, e.g. User Goal> Actors: <Actors, e.g. Anonymous User> Brief: <Short explanation, e.g. User authenticates against the service to gain more privilegues>


Precondition: <What has to be satisfied before the use case can work?, e.g. Not authenticated> Main success scenario: <What is the main scenario, i.e. success scenario?, e.g. Is authenticated> Alternative scenario: <What is the alternative scenario, i.e. simple error handling?, e.g. Wrong credentials> Error scenario: <What is the other alternative scenario, i.e. fatal error handling?, e.g. Authentication block because of too many failed attempts> Postcondition: <What has to be valid after the scenario was run?, e.g. Access to more functions> Non-functional Constraints: