Elektra  0.8.19
Use Case: Delete configuration snippet



Title: Delete configuration snippet Scope: Entry Management Level: User Goal Actors: Authenticated user (snippet owner), Moderator Brief: Users can delete their own database entries. Moderators can also delete configuration snippets of other users.


Precondition: Authenticated, sufficient permissions, snippet details page opened Main success scenario: Configuration snippet has been deleted successfully. A success response is returned and the user, if necessary, redirected to the entry overview. Alternative scenario: The specified snippet cannot be found (wrong URI) or the user has insufficient permissions to delete it. Either way the user is informed about the error by a response and redirected to the overview if necessary. Error scenario: Technical problems prevent the deletion process from completing. The user is informed about the issue. Postcondition: Configuration snippet has been deleted from the database and can neither be found through search, nor be viewed in detail anymore. Non-functional Constraints: