Various source files of different:
are all linked together to
- have a legacy libelektra that is identical to current behavior
- full and static libraries remain unchanged
- linker overhead of a dozen libraries is not measurable
Considered Alternatives
- allows various users (plugins, applications) to link to exactly what they need
- allows symbol versioning on different levels (for different evolving libraries)
- allows alternative implementation of parts of Elektra, e.g. a new libkdb which still uses libcore
- easier to navigate in source tree
- facilitates code reuse between plugins
- easier entrance to create commonly used libs (no fear of "changes in the core" for some helper functionality)
- maybe to bindings?
- plugins and applications need changes in order to profit from less dependencies
Related decisions
- was discussed in a meeting, all were in favour (or did not say anything)
Sizes of
- 0.8.14 unmodified 128K
- 0.8.14 w/o meta.c 120K
- 0.8.14 w/o array 126K
So the removal of the non-core functionality is actually relevant. And kdb/core is now nearly half-split:
- 52K lib/
- 7,5K lib/
- 1,3M lib/
- 76K lib/
- 9,3K lib/
- 5,1K lib/
- 7,6K lib/