Elektra  0.8.21
Trying out Elektra with Docker

This Dockerfile builds a dockerimage based on ubuntu:artful including all requirements to build Elektra.

If Docker is available on your machine change to the directory containing the file you are currently reading and build the image with

$ docker build -t buildelektra .

After the build process has completed you can create and run a Docker container that uses the image we just created. This runs bash in a container based on the buildelektra image and mounts the ./data folder into the container.

$ mkdir data
$ docker run --rm -v ${PWD}/data:/mnt/share -it buildelektra bash

The container contains a script that pulls a specified snapshot of Elektra from Github and either installs it in the container or builds a .deb package from it.

Try it out from within the container with

# change into the mounted folder
$ cd /mnt/share
# this builds the commit with the tag "0.8.19"
$ buildelektra "0.8.19"

After this command has finished you can safely test your specified Elektrasnapshot in the container.

If you would like to build a .deb package run buildelektra like with the -b flag:

$ buildelektra -b elektra master

When you exit the container you will find the created .deb package and the downloaded snapshots of Elektra in the data directory.