This Dockerfile builds a dockerimage based on ubuntu:artful including all requirements to build Elektra.
If Docker is available on your machine change to the directory containing the file you are currently reading and build the image with
After the build process has completed you can create and run a Docker container that uses the image we just created. This runs bash in a container based on the buildelektra image and mounts the ./data
folder into the container.
The container contains a script that pulls a specified snapshot of Elektra from Github and either installs it in the container or builds a .deb package from it.
Try it out from within the container with
After this command has finished you can safely test your specified Elektrasnapshot in the container.
If you would like to build a .deb package run buildelektra like with the -b
When you exit the container you will find the created .deb package and the downloaded snapshots of Elektra in the data directory.