Elektra  0.8.21
kdb-mountpoint-info -- Print information about the default storage and resolver or a mountpoint

kdb mountpoint-info [mountpoint]


This command will print information about the version, default resolver and default storage plugin. When a mountpoint is given as argument additional informations about the mountpoint (e.g. configuration) is printed.


kdb mountpoint-info
#> Version: 0.8.19
#> Default resolver: resolver_fm_hpu_b
#> Default storage: ini
kdb mount /tmp/test.ini system/test ini hello=ini -c hello=world
kdb mountpoint-info system/test
#> Version: 0.8.19
#> Default resolver: resolver_fm_hpu_b
#> Default storage: ini
#> Mountpoint: system/test
#> File: /tmp/test.ini
#> config:
#> hello = world
#> path = /tmp/test.ini
#> getplugins:
#> #0#resolver
#> #5#ini#ini#
#> config:
#> hello = ini
#> setplugins:
#> #0#resolver
#> #5#ini
#> #6#sync#sync#
#> #7#resolver
#> errorplugins:
#> #5#resolver_fm_hpu_b#resolver#