Elektra  0.8.22
Frequently Asked Questions

Isn't it easier to implement a new parser than to use Elektra?

No, it is not. And even if it were, the story does not end with implementing a configuration file parser but, at least, you also need:

Every successful project has implemented most features Elektra has. But Elektra has the distinctive advantage that you can pick the features as you need them. Not used plugins do not cause any overhead or dependency. If you need new plugins or bindings, there is a community which can help you. Furthermore, Elektra has a defined API and you can swap implementations as needed.

So it pays off to use Elektra – in the short and in the long term.

Do we retain the old way of configuring things, i.e. manually editing a ini file in /etc?

Absolutely, you can think of libelektra as a small library in C that reads a configuration file and returns a data structure if you do not use any of its advanced features.

Do we retain the old way reloading/restarting the system service?

Elektra does not interfere with restarting. It is a passive library. It provides some techniques for reloading but they are optional (but we recommend that you keep the in-memory and persistent configuration in sync via notification).

I am stuck. Where can I get help?

If this FAQ does not contain your question, please open an issue. You can simply remove all template text and it is enough if the issue only contains your question. If you want you can label it as question, but we can also categorize it for you.

Please do not waste too much time to find something out yourself. Information where people get stuck is valuable to improve Elektra and its documentation. Even if you find out directly after you posted the question: the pointer can be helpful for other people having the same problem.

Is this an actual problem of Elektra or is it just me?

In case of doubt please open an issue. If the question was already answered or is already in the documentation, we will simply point it out to you.

So do not worry too much, do not hesitate to ask any question. We welcome feedback, only then we can improve the documentation such as this FAQ!

What should I do if I found a bug?

Please check the issue tracker if it has already been reported. If it has not, please fill out the template. If you are in doubt, please report it.

How can I contribute to Elektra?

Due to the modular architecture we can accept nearly all contributions as plugins. Please only make sure that the README.md clearly states the purpose and quality of the plugin. If you need, e.g., a plugin that crashes the process make sure that you tag (infos/status) it with discouraged.

Please start by reading here.

What is the Elektra’s license?

New BSD license which allows us to have plugins link against GPL and GPL-incompatible libraries. If you compile Elektra, e.g., with GPL plugins, the result is GPL.

Who are the authors?

List of authors.

How can I advertise Elektra?

If questions about configuration come up, point users to https://www.libelektra.org Display the SVG logos found at https://master.libelektra.org/doc/images/logo and already rastered logos at https://github.com/ElektraInitiative/blobs/tree/master/images/logos Distribute the flyer found at https://github.com/ElektraInitiative/blobs/raw/master/flyers/flyer.odt And of course: talk about it!