Elektra  0.8.22
Compilation Variants

To create different variants of the same feature, but avoid code duplications within plugins, you have multiple options:

The advantage of compilation variants are:

How to use It

To use compilation variants, add your plugin in the CMake Cache Variable PLUGINS multiple times. Then there can be an arbitrary number of variants. As naming convention you should have a base name with an additional variant appended with underscore, e.g.:


In the CMakeLists.txt of your plugin, you have two options. Option (A): When you can easily enlist every variant you simply list all plugins one after the other (outside of if (DEPENDENCY_PHASE)):

SOURCES <your sources for varianta here..>
LINK_LIBRARIES <libraries for varianta>
SOURCES <your sources for variantb here..>
LINK_LIBRARIES <libraries for variantb>

Option (B): If you cannot enlist every possible compilation variant, you can iterate over all PLUGINS and check which names are requested. Then you create a plugin for every name that matches:

foreach (plugin ${PLUGINS})
if (${plugin} MATCHES "myplugin_.*")
# somehow process the variant names and include
# or change sources and compile definitions
# based on that.
SOURCES <your sources here..>
COMPILE_DEFINITIONS <definitions here..>
ELEKTRA_VARIANT=${plugin without prefix}
LINK_LIBRARIES <libraries for variantb>
if (${plugin} MATCHES "ALL")
# handle categories of plugins
add_plugin(myplugin_all1, ...)
add_plugin(myplugin_all2, ...)

For the categories such as ALL, however, you need to automatically append (using add_plugin) a useful set of plugins.

Note that every plugin needs to have ELEKTRA_VARIANT differently set in COMPILE_DEFINITIONS, otherwise you will get a linker error that libelektra_<pluginname>_LTX_elektraPluginSymbol has multiple definitions.

Now every public function of the plugin conflicts with itself. To avoid that, you can use:

As a summary, you can have many plugins build out of the same source. Using pluginname_variantnames many plugins will be compiled, each with other SOURCES or COMPILE_DEFINITIONS and even LINK_LIBRARIES: If you, e.g. just set the variants name as macro you can use

#ifdef varianta

within the code and can have two plugins: one (called myplugin_varianta) compiled included the #ifdef the other (base variant called myplugin) without.

Currently compilation variants are used in the resolver plugin.