Ckdb::tools::BackendBuilderInit | Used as argument of constructor of *BackendBuilder |
Ckdb::tools::BackendFactory | Factory for MountBackendInterface |
Ckdb::tools::BackendInfo | Info about a backend |
▼Ckdb::tools::BackendInterface | Minimal interface to add plugins |
▼Ckdb::tools::BackendBuilder | Highlevel interface to build a backend |
Ckdb::tools::GlobalPluginsBuilder | Build global plugins |
▼Ckdb::tools::MountBackendBuilder | High-level functionality to build a mountpoint |
Ckdb::tools::SpecBackendBuilder | Build individual backend while reading specification |
▼Ckdb::tools::MountBackendInterface | Interface to work with mountpoints (backends) for factory |
Ckdb::tools::Backend | A low-level representation of the backend (= set of plugins) that can be mounted |
Ckdb::tools::MountBackendBuilder | High-level functionality to build a mountpoint |
▼Ckdb::tools::PluginAdder | Adds plugins in a generic map |
Ckdb::tools::GlobalPlugins | Low level representation of global plugins |
Ckdb::tools::ImportExportBackend | Backend for import/export functionality |
Ckdb::tools::Backends | Allows one to list backends |
Ckdb::Command | Used by contexts for callbacks (to run code using a mutex) |
Ckdb::Context | Provides a context for configuration |
Ckdb::ContextPolicyIs< Policy > | Needed by the user to set one of the policies |
Ckdb::Coordinator | Thread safe coordination of ThreadContext per Threads |
Ckdb::DefaultGetPolicy | Implements lookup with spec |
Ckdb::DefaultSetPolicy | Implements creating user/ key when key is not found |
CDocBindingData | [kdbio operation data] |
CDocOperationData | [kdbio operation data] |
Corg.libelektra.Elektra | The JNA interface to libelektra |
▼Cstd::exception | STL class |
▼Cstd::runtime_error | STL class |
Ckdb::tools::ToolException | All exceptions from the elektratools library are derived from this exception |
Ckdb::GetPolicyIs< Policy > | Needed by the user to set one of the policies |
Cstd::hash< kdb::Key > | Support for putting Key in a hash |
▼Ckdb::KDB | Constructs a class KDB. |
Ckdb::tools::merging::MergingKDB | Provides a merging wrapper around a KDB instance |
Corg.libelektra.KDB | Represents session with the Key database |
Ckdb::Key | Key is an essential class that encapsulates key name , value and metainfo . |
Corg.libelektra.Key | Key is an essential class that encapsulates key name , value and metainfo |
Corg.libelektra.KeyNameIterator | An Iterator over a Key's name parts, separated by / |
Ckdb::KeySet | A keyset holds together a set of keys |
Corg.libelektra.KeySet | A keyset holds together a set of keys |
Ckdb::KeySetIterator | For C++ forward Iteration over KeySets |
Corg.libelektra.KeySetIterator | An Iterator over a KeySet resulting in Keys |
Ckdb::KeySetReverseIterator | For C++ reverse Iteration over KeySets |
Ckdb::Layer | Base class for all layers |
Ckdb::LockPolicyIs< Policy > | Needed by the user to set one of the policies |
Ckdb::tools::Modules | Allows one to load plugins |
▼Ckdb::NameIterator | For C++ forward Iteration over Names |
Ckdb::NameReverseIterator | For C++ reverse Iteration over Names |
Ckdb::none_t | This type is being used as bottom type that always fails |
Ckdb::ObserverPolicyIs< Policy > | Needed by the user to set one of the policies |
COpmphm | The opmphm |
COpmphmEdge | The r-uniform r-partite hypergraph |
Ckdb::PerContext | A data structure that is stored by context inside the Coordinator |
Ckdb::tools::Plugin | This is a C++ representation of a plugin |
Corg.libelektra.Plugin | This is a Java representation of a plugin |
▼Ckdb::tools::PluginDatabase | Loads all plugins and allows us to query them |
▼Ckdb::tools::ModulesPluginDatabase | A plugin database that works with installed modules |
Ckdb::tools::MockPluginDatabase | A plugin database that works with added fake data |
▼Ckdb::tools::Plugins | A collection of plugins (either get, set or error) |
Ckdb::tools::ErrorPlugins | Plugins to handle errors during configuration access |
Ckdb::tools::GetPlugins | Plugins to get configuration |
Ckdb::tools::SetPlugins | Plugins to set configuration |
Ckdb::tools::PluginSpec | Specifies a plugin by its name and configuration |
Ckdb::tools::PluginSpecHash | Only to be used with PluginSpecName! |
▼Ckdb::tools::SerializeInterface | Interface to serialize a backend |
Ckdb::tools::GlobalPlugins | Low level representation of global plugins |
Ckdb::tools::MountBackendInterface | Interface to work with mountpoints (backends) for factory |
Ckdb::SetPolicyIs< Policy > | Needed by the user to set one of the policies |
CSomeIoLibHandle | Example I/O management library data structure |
Ckdb::tools::SpecReader | Highlevel interface to build a backend from specification |
Ckdb::ThreadSubject | Subject from Observer pattern for ThreadContext |
Ckdb::VaAlloc | Needed to avoid constructor ambiguity |
Ckdb::ValueObserver | Base class for values to be observed |
Ckdb::Wrapped | Everything implementing this interface can be used as layer |
Ckdb::WritePolicyIs< Policy > | Needed by the user to set one of the policies |