Elektra  0.8.25
kdb-find(1) -- Find keys in the key database

kdb find <regex>

Where regex is a regular expression which contains the key to find.


This command will list the name of all keys that contain regex.




Backup-and-Restore: /tests/find

We use the dump plugin, since some storage plugins, e.g. INI,

create intermediate keys, such as /tests/find/tests/foo

for the following test.

sudo kdb mount find.ecf /tests/find dump

Create the keys we use for the examples

kdb set /tests/find/tests val1 kdb set /tests/find/tests/foo/bar val2 kdb set /tests/find/tests/fizz/buzz fizzbuzz kdb set /tests/find/tostfizz val3 kdb set /tests/find/tust/level lvl

list all keys containing /tests/find/t[eo]

kdb find '/tests/find/t[eo]' #> user/tests/find/tests #> user/tests/find/tests/fizz/buzz #> user/tests/find/tests/foo/bar #> user/tests/find/tostfizz

list all keys containing fizz

kdb find 'fizz' #> user/tests/find/tests/fizz/buzz #> user/tests/find/tostfizz

kdb rm -r /tests/find sudo kdb umount /tests/find ```