Elektra  0.8.25
kdb-remount(1) - Use an existing backend to mount a new file

kdb remount <new path> <new mount point> <existing mount point>

Where new path is the path to the file the user wants to mount, (Absolute for system files, relative for user files)
new mount point is where in the key database the new configuration file should be mounted at, (For a cascading mount pount, mountpoint should start with /)
and existing mount point is the mount point where the existing backend is mounted.


This command allows a user to use an existing backend (such as one from a previous mount) to mount a new configuration file to a new mount point in the key database.



To mount a new file using an existing backend that is mounted to system/example:
kdb remount /etc/configuration2.ini system/example2 system/example