Elektra  0.8.25
Plugin: haskell

A plugin which takes care about initializing the haskell run-time.


This plugin on its own provides a minimalistic implementation to test the basic functionality, but acts as a base for developing further haskell plugins. To be precise, the following files are required and should use the following naming scheme, with <PLUGIN_NAME> being the name of this plugin (haskell in this case):

Use the cmake command add_haskell_plugin which can be used by including LibAddHaskellPlugin. This command will take care about the proper linking of your haskell plugin. Furthermore it uses the c wrapper provided by this plugin so this doesn't have to be done again.

By default plugins get built in a cabal sandbox shared with all other Haskell plugins- and the Haskell bindings to speed up compilation by compiling commonly used dependencies just once. Dependencies are automatically resolved according to the cabal build configuration.



Currently the Haskell plugin only executes tests written in C and not directly in Haskell.


Unfortunately the haskell runtime itself leaks some memory, but as haskell plugins are generally executed in an isolated process it should not matter too much.