Elektra  0.8.26
Plugin: line

This plugin is useful if you have a file in a format not supported by any other plugin and want to use the Elektra tools to edit individual lines.

This plugin is designed to save each line from a file as a key. The keys form an array. The key names are determined by the line number such as #3 or #_12 for lines 4 and 13. The plugin considers #0 to be the first line. The plugin will automatically add _ to the beginning of key names in order to keep them in numerical order (like specified for Elektra arrays).

The value of each key hold the content of the actual file line-by-line.


For example, consider the following content of the file ~/.config/line where the numbers on the left represent the line numbers:

1  setting1 true
2  setting2 false
3  setting3 1000
4  #comment
7  //some other comment
9  setting4 -1

We mount that file by:

> sudo kdb mount line user/line line

This file would result in the following keyset which is being displayed as key: value, e.g. with:

> kdb export -c "format=%s: %s" user/line simpleini

#0: setting1 true
#1: setting2 false
#2: setting3 1000
#3: #comment
#6: //some other comment
#8: setting4 -l

Creating Files



sudo kdb mount line /tests/line line

kdb set /tests/line/add something kdb set /tests/line/ignored huhu kdb set /tests/line ignored # adding parent key does nothing kdb set /tests/line/add here

cat kdb file /tests/line #> something #> huhu #> here

kdb ls /tests/line

STDOUT-REGEX: line.+line/#0.+line/#1.+line/#2

kdb set /tests/line/#1 huhu

STDOUT-REGEX: .+Set string to "huhu"

kdb export /tests/line line #> something #> huhu #> here

sudo kdb umount /tests/line

### Other Tests


sudo kdb mount line /tests/line line

create and initialize testfile

echo 'setting1 true' > kdb file /tests/line echo 'setting2 false' >> kdb file /tests/line echo 'setting3 1000' >> kdb file /tests/line echo '#comment' >> kdb file /tests/line echo >> kdb file /tests/line echo >> kdb file /tests/line echo '//some other comment' >> kdb file /tests/line echo >> kdb file /tests/line echo 'setting4 -1' >> kdb file /tests/line

output filecontent and display line numbers

awk '{print NR-1 "-" $0}' < kdb file /tests/line #> 0-setting1 true #> 1-setting2 false #> 2-setting3 1000 #> 3-#comment #> 4- #> 5- #> 6-//some other comment #> 7- #> 8-setting4 -1


kdb rm -r /tests/line sudo kdb umount /tests/line ```