Elektra  0.8.26
Plugin: required

Rarely you want a very strict validation where only required keys should be accepted.

This plugin rejects every configuration where keys which are not required are present.

In general this technique is not recommended because it would lead to rejection of any optional parameter that is introduced in later versions, hindering upgradability. Nevertheless, if you need such a feature, this is the correct plugin to do so.


The plugin is not mounted by default. So you must explicitly add it with infos/needs either in specifications or contracts.


If you used simplespeclang and want to only allow keys that are present in the specification, you can add required to the spec-mount command:

% kdb mount test.spec spec/test simplespeclang
% cat << HERE > `kdb file spec/test`
plugins required
enum allowed = something
% kdb spec-mount /test
% kdb set /test/allowed something    # is specified, works!
% kdb set /test/rejected  something  # fails because rejected not required