Elektra  0.8.8
Class Hierarchy

Go to the graphical class hierarchy

This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
oCkdb::tools::BackendA representation of the backend (= set of plugins) that can be mounted
oCkdb::tools::BackendInfoInfo about a backend
oCkdb::tools::BackendsAllows one to list backends
oCkdb::ContextProvides a context for configuration
oCkdb::KDBOpens the session with the Key database.
oCkdb::KeyA Key is the essential class that encapsulates key name , value and metainfo .
oCkdb::KeySetA keyset holds together a set of keys
oCkdb::tools::ModulesAllows one to load plugins
oCkdb::tools::PluginsA collection of plugins (either get, set or error)
\Ckdb::tools::ToolExceptionAll exceptions from the elektratools library are derived from this exception