Elektra  0.9.0
kdb-spec-mount(1) - Mount a spec file to the key database


kdb spec-mount [/<mountpoint>] [<plugin> [<config>] [..]]

kdb smount is an alias and can be used in the same way as kdb spec-mount.


This command allows a user to mount a new backend described by a previously mounted specification. To mount a specification file to spec-namespace first use kdb-mount(7):

sudo kdb mount /path/to/some-spec-file.ini spec/example/mountpoint ni

The idea of mounting is explained in elektra-mounting(7). The spec namespace contains metaconfiguration that describes the configuration in all other namespaces. The metadata used for the specification is described in METADATA.ini.

During spec-mount the spec keys are searched for relevant metadata:

For example:

kdb getmeta spec/example/mountpoint mountpoint # verify that we have a mountpoint here
sudo kdb spec-mount /example/mountpoint # mounts /example/mountpoint according to
# the specification as found at
# spec/example/mountpoint


This command writes into the /etc directory and as such it requires root permissions. Use kdb file system/elektra/mountpoints to find out where exactly it will write to.

Note that many specifications have globs like _ and #. They will only work if the spec plugin is present:

kdb global-mount




To mount /example as described in spec/example:
sudo kdb spec-mount /example

Additionally, add ini plugin (instead of some default resolver) with a config for INI:
sudo kdb spec-mount /example ini section=NULL