Elektra  0.9.0
Plugin: mozprefs

This file explains how Firefox preferences can be manipulated at run-time using Elektra’s intercept open and a custom autoconfig script.


kdb configure-firefox -s will configure everything needed to get started.


user_pref("elektra.config.file", "/tmp/imnotreal.js");
user_pref("elektra.config.reload_trigger_port", 65432);

Every time the string reload is send to localhost:elektra.config.reload_trigger_port the autoconfig script will import the preferences from elektra.config.file
elektry.config.file contains the name of the dummy file for intercept open. open calls to this file will be intercepted and the content generated by intercept open

Setting Preferences

Guided Setup

Running kdb configure-firefox -a provides a guided setup for adding http_proxy and homepage preferences.

% kdb configure-firefox -a
Add new preferences
Config Setup:
1) Proxy
2) Homepage
0) Exit
Setting up HTTP Proxy
1) lock
2) default
3) user
0) Exit
Proxy Type
0) No Proxy
1) Manual Setup
2) PAC
4) Auto-detect
5) System Settings
Set string to 1
Port: 8080
Setting lockPref HTTP Proxy to

Manual Setup

This example shows how to manually setup a preferences. It's equivalent to the example shown above in the Guided setup

kdb setmeta user/prefs/lock/network/proxy/type type integer
kdb set user/prefs/lock/network/proxy/type 1
kdb setmeta user/prefs/lock/network/proxy/http type string
kdb set user/prefs/lock/network/proxy/http
kdb setmeta user/prefs/lock/network/proxy/http_port type integer
kdb set user/prefs/lock/network/proxy/http_port 8080

Test Setup

Running kdb configure-firefox -t will set up some test values.

kdb export /preload
#> [open]
#> \/tmp\/imnotreal.js =
#> \/tmp\/imnotreal.js/generate = user/prefs
#> \/tmp\/imnotreal.js/generate/plugin = mozprefs
kdb export user/prefs
#> [lock/a/lock]
#> 1 = lock1
#> 2 = lock2
#> [pref/a/default]
#> 1 = 1
#> 2 = 2
#> [user/a/user]
#> f = false
#> t = true
kdb export user/prefs mozprefs
#> lockPref("a.lock.1", "lock1");
#> lockPref("a.lock.2", "lock2");
#> pref("a.default.1", 1);
#> pref("a.default.2", 2);
#> user_pref("a.user.f", false);
#> user_pref("a.user.t", true);
kdb elektrify-open firefox-esr "about:config"
about:config before
kdb setmeta user/prefs/lock/a/lock/3 type boolean
kdb set user/prefs/lock/a/lock/3 true
kdb export user/prefs
#> [lock/a/lock]
#> 1 = lock1
#> 2 = lock2
#> 3 = true
#> [pref/a/default]
#> 1 = 1
#> 2 = 2
#> [user/a/user]
#> f = false
#> t = true
about:config after


Changing locked values doesn't work without restarting.