Elektra  0.9.0
Plugin: yambi



This plugin uses Bison to generate a parser for the YAML serialization format.


The plugin requires Bison (version 3.0 or later).



# Mount plugin
sudo kdb mount config.yaml user/tests/yambi yambi
kdb set user/tests/yambi 'Mount Point'
kdb get user/tests/yambi
#> Mount Point
kdb set user/tests/yambi/bambi 'Mule Deer'
kdb get user/tests/yambi/bambi
#> Mule Deer
kdb set user/tests/yambi/thumper 'Rabbit'
kdb get user/tests/yambi/thumper
#> Rabbit
kdb set user/tests/yambi/bambi/baby 'Bobby Stewart'
kdb set user/tests/yambi/bambi/young 'Donnie Dunagan'
kdb set user/tests/yambi/bambi/adolescent 'Hardie Albright'
kdb set user/tests/yambi/bambi/adult 'John Sutherland'
kdb get user/tests/yambi/bambi/baby
#> Bobby Stewart
kdb ls user/tests/yambi
#> user/tests/yambi
#> user/tests/yambi/bambi
#> user/tests/yambi/bambi/adolescent
#> user/tests/yambi/bambi/adult
#> user/tests/yambi/bambi/baby
#> user/tests/yambi/bambi/young
#> user/tests/yambi/thumper
# Undo modifications
kdb rm -r user/tests/yambi
sudo kdb umount user/tests/yambi


# Mount plugin
sudo kdb mount config.yaml user/tests/yambi yambi
kdb set user/tests/yambi/friends
kdb set user/tests/yambi/friends/#0 Thumper
kdb set user/tests/yambi/friends/#1 Flower
# Retrieve last array index
kdb getmeta user/tests/yambi/friends array
#> #1
kdb get user/tests/yambi/friends/#0
#> Thumper
kdb get user/tests/yambi/friends/#1
#> Flower
# Undo modifications
kdb rm -r user/tests/yambi
sudo kdb umount user/tests/yambi

Boolean Values


Mount plugin

sudo kdb mount config.yaml user/tests/yambi yambi

Manually add a boolean value to the database

printf 'boolean: false' > kdb file user/tests/yambi

Elektra stores boolean values as 0 and 1

kdb get user/tests/yambi/boolean #> 0

Undo modifications to the key database

kdb rm -r user/tests/yambi sudo kdb umount user/tests/yambi

### Error Messages

Mount plugin

sudo kdb mount config.yaml user/tests/yambi yambi

Manually add data containing syntax errors

printf – 'Thumper: - Eating greens is a special treat.
' > kdb file user/tests/yambi printf – ' - It makes long ears and great big feet.
' >> kdb file user/tests/yambi printf – '- But it sure is awful stuff to eat.
' >> kdb file user/tests/yambi printf – ' - I made that last part up myself
.' >> kdb file user/tests/yambi printf – 'Stephen King:
' >> kdb file user/tests/yambi printf – ' The first movie I ever saw was a horror movie.
' >> kdb file user/tests/yambi printf – ' - It was Bambi.
' >> kdb file user/tests/yambi

Try to retrieve data

kdb get user/tests/yambi/Thumper/#2

RET: 5

STDERR: .*config.yaml:3:1: syntax error, unexpected element, expecting end of map or key.*

Let us look at the error message more closely.

Since the location of config.yaml depends on the current user and OS,

we store the text before config.yaml as user/tests/error/prefix.

kdb set user/tests/error "$(2>&1 kdb ls user/tests/yambi)" kdb set user/tests/error/prefix "$(kdb get user/tests/error | grep 'config.yaml' | head -1 | sed -E 's/(.*)config.yaml.*/\1/')" kdb get user/tests/error/prefix

We also store the length of the prefix, so we can remove it from every

line of the error message.

kdb set user/tests/error/prefix/length "$(kdb get user/tests/error/prefix | wc -c | sed 's/[ ]*//g')"

Since we only want to look at the “reason” of the error, we

remove the other part of the error message with head and tail.

kdb get user/tests/error | tail -n6 | cut -c"$(kdb get user/tests/error/prefix/length | tr -d '\n')"- #> config.yaml:3:1: syntax error, unexpected element, expecting end of map or key #> - But it sure is awful stuff to eat. #> ^ #> config.yaml:7:2: syntax error, unexpected start of sequence, expecting end of map or key #> - It was Bambi. #> ^

Fix syntax errors

printf – 'Thumper: - Eating greens is a special treat.
' > kdb file user/tests/yambi printf – ' - It makes long ears and great big feet.
' >> kdb file user/tests/yambi printf – ' - But it sure is awful stuff to eat.
' >> kdb file user/tests/yambi printf – ' - I made that last part up myself
.' >> kdb file user/tests/yambi printf – 'Stephen King:
' >> kdb file user/tests/yambi printf – ' - The first movie I ever saw was a horror movie.
' >> kdb file user/tests/yambi printf – ' - It was Bambi.
' >> kdb file user/tests/yambi

Retrieve data

kdb get user/tests/yambi/Thumper/#2 #> But it sure is awful stuff to eat.

Undo modifications

kdb rm -r user/tests/error kdb rm -r user/tests/yambi sudo kdb umount user/tests/yambi ```


The plugin supports the same limited YAML syntax as Yan LR.