Elektra  0.9.1
Script Testing

Writing portable shell code for testing command-line tools is difficult.

  • Should be able to record input/output/exit codes of command-line tools
  • Should be aware of configuration settings (KDB), for example, restore it on changes


  • pythonpaste
    • Pros:
      • easy to work with
    • Cons:
      • can only trace a single directory (would not work with /etc + ~)
      • extra dependency not in any distro
  • robotframework
    • Cons:
      • additional (fat) dependency
      • integration with cmake?
      • does not allow one to capture stdout, stderr + return code
  • expect
    • Pros:
      • interactive testing (e.g. for kdb mount)
    • Cons:
      • quite long for simple things (e.g. check /bin/true needs 4 lines)
      • new syntax for Elektra (TCL)
      • additional dependency

Develop shell recorder and tutorial wrapper.

  • 12.11.2017: pythonpaste not maintained anymore, site is offline