Elektra  0.9.10
0.9.<<VERSION>> Release

  • guid: CC66FD33-7491-4BFA-975A-36FAB67D45D6
  • author: Mihael Pranjić
  • pubDate: Sat, 09 Jul 2022 09:40:18 +0200
  • shortDesc: Kotlin Binding, Remove Internal Iterators

We are proud to release Elektra 0.9.<<VERSION>>.

What is Elektra?

Elektra serves as a universal and secure framework to access configuration settings in a global, hierarchical key database. For more information, visit https://libelektra.org.

You can also read the news on our website.

You can try out the latest Elektra release using our docker image elektra/elektra. This is the quickest way to get started with Elektra without compiling and other obstacles, simply run:

docker pull elektra/elektra
docker run -it elektra/elektra


  • Kotlin Binding
  • Remove internal iterators

Kotline Binding

We created a new Binding for Kotlin with convenience functions and various utilities. There is also the possibility to convert KeySets to Kotlin data classes or collections and back. Read the Kotlin Readme for more information.

A big thanks to _(@Gratla and @mandoway)_ for this beautiful work.

Remove Internal Iterators

In Elektra there are currently two different ways to iterate over KeySets. The so-called "internal" iterator is, however, inferior and creates several problems, e.g. it was a side effect to be considered for every function call that involved a KeySet.

With this release, we started removing the internal iterators by removing keyRewindMeta, keyCurrentMeta, ksHead, and ksTail functions. The external iterators are now the way to go, see Iterators.

A huge thanks to _(Florian Lindner @flo91)_ for doing this thankless cleanup task.


The following section lists news about the plugins we updated in this release. Overall changes:

  • We changed all plugins, except directoryvalue to use external iteration of KeySets _(Florian Lindner @flo91)_


  • Added .pop(), .cut(), .head() and .tail() examples to keySet example _(Lukas Hartl @lukashartl, Leonard Guelmino @leothetryhard)_
  • Added a new DNS plugin fully written in Python _(Lukas Hartl @lukashartl, Leonard Guelmino @leothetryhard)_

lineendings - Plugin

  • Enable emitting of warnings during kdbGet(), refactor and update methods and return values to match the conventions (e.g. #defined constants for return values) _(Michael Langhammer @milangs, Florian Lindner @flo91)_


  • Exclude the tests for formats that require GNU extensions of strptime on non-GNU systems. _(@kodebach)_


  • Warnings are now added on kdb get _(@mandoway)_


  • Removed usages (and contents) of VERBOSE macro _(@mandoway)_


  • Added new validation plugin: Sorted. It checks whether an Elektra array is sorted by its value or a given key in a configurable direction _(@mandoway @Gratla)_


  • Fix usage of bitwise operator with boolean operands. _(Mihael Pranjić @mpranj)_


The text below summarizes updates to the C (and C++)-based libraries of Elektra.


  • Remove keyRewindMeta, keyCurrentMeta, ksHead, and ksTail functions for internal iteration of Keysets and Metadata of Keys _(Florian Lindner @flo91)_


  • Removed mentions of VERBOSE and replaced debug prints with the logger _(@mandoway)_


Bindings allow you to utilize Elektra using various programming languages. This section keeps you up-to-date with the multi-language support provided by Elektra.

  • Remove internal iterators for SWIG (Python, Lua, Ruby) and go-bindings _(Florian Lindner @flo91)_


  • Implement NavigableSet in JNA KeySet _(Burkhard Hampl @bhampl)_
  • Added a Java example for meta keys and arrays _(@mandoway)_
  • Added examples to HelloElektra.java _(Leonard Guelmino @leothetryhard, Lukas Hartl @lukashartl)_
  • Added example which shows how to add a basename for a key. _(Philipp Leeb @Gratla)_
  • Introduced Key::setNull, ReadableKey::isNull _(Michael Tucek @tucek)_
  • Fixed Key::setBoolean, ReadableKey::isBoolean _(Michael Tucek @tucek)_
  • Fixed Java Whitelist plugin tests _(Michael Tucek @tucek)_
  • Fixed missing Javadoc in Java Sorted plugin _(Michael Tucek @tucek)_


  • Replace NULL in rb_funcall with Qnil to avoid compiler errors/warnings on some systems. _(@kodebach)_


  • Added new JNA subproject which builds an Elektra extension library for Kotlin _(@mandoway & @Gratla)_
  • Added get(), getOrNull() extension with type inference for primitive types _(@mandoway)_
  • Added set() extension with type inference for primitive types _(@mandoway)_
  • Added keySet serialization capabilities (to any format and data classes, with array support) _(@mandoway)_
  • Added keyOf() extension and keyOf{} builder for key creation _(@Gratla)_
  • Added keySetOf() extension and keySetOf{} builder for keySet creation _(@Gratla)_
  • Added withKDB() extension which wraps the try block _(@Gratla)_
  • Added nameParts extension value which provides a sequence of key name parts _(@mandoway)_
  • Added various utility functions like Key.isEmpty, Key.getMetaOrNull, ... _(@Gratla & @mandoway)_
  • Added example project for kotlin binding _(@Gratla & @mandoway)_
  • Added lookupOrThrow(), lookupOrNull(), and get operator to search for keys in KeySets without Java Optionals _(@mandoway)_
  • Fixed setting null, by using new JNA setNull() function _(@mandoway)_


  • Deleted occurrences of removed property key.fullname _(@mandoway)_


  • Removed mentions of VERBOSE _(@mandoway)_


  • Deleted occurrences of removed property key.fullname _(@mandoway)_


  • Removed mentions of VERBOSE _(@mandoway)_



  • improve logging in elektrad _(Lukas Hartl @lukashartl, Leonard Guelmino @leothetryhard)_
  • Update elektrad to use last version of the go-bindings without internal iterators for Keysets and Metadata _(Florian Lindner @flo91)_


  • fix issues from namespace-overhaul _(Lukas Hartl @lukashartl, Leonard Guelmino @leothetryhard)_
  • apply non-breaking updates to packages _(Leonard Guelmino @leothetryhard, Lukas Hartl @lukashartl)_


  • fix path building for requests to elektrad _(Lukas Hartl @lukashartl, Leonard Guelmino @leothetryhard)_


  • Removed mentions of VERBOSE _(@mandoway)_
  • Fixed dependency for Debian packages _(Markus Raab)_


  • Fix kdb reset. _(Markus Raab)_


  • Small readability improvement _(@Toniboyyy)_
  • Python: add guide for Debian 11 (bullseye) _(Lukas Hartl @lukashartl)_
  • Fix some errors in the tutorials Cascading Lookups and Command-line Options _(Florian Lindner @flo91)_
  • Extend and update the tutorial for writing specifications, add section about using specs in production _(Florian Lindner @flo91)_
  • Tutorial: add cleanup section to the specification tutorial _(Lukas Hartl @lukashartl)_ and _(@leothetryhard)_
  • Add readme-file Iterators about cm2022s project showcasing usage in various programming languages _(Florian Lindner @flo91 and Michael Langhammer @Milangs)_
  • Updated elektra-web installation manual (doc/tutorials/install-webui.md) _(Leonard Guelmino @leothetryhard, Lukas Hartl @lukashartl)_
  • Improve jna documentation _(Burkhard Hampl @bhampl)_
  • Add Stream API example in Java binding documentation _(Richard Stöckl @Eiskasten)_
  • Minor readability improvement in CODING.md _(@loessberth)_
  • Fix dead link and compile instructions _(Burkhard Hampl @bhampl)_
  • Update links from certificate section _(Richard Stöckl @Eiskasten)_
  • Fix wrong KDBException reference in java tutorial and improve it _(Burkhard Hampl @bhampl and Richard Stöckl @Eiskasten)_
  • Update FAQ. _(Markus Raab)_


  • The tutorial for Contributing from Windows has been updated. _(@kodebach)_
  • The tutorial for CLion now contains a section for setting up the WSL compiler _(@mandoway)_
  • Rephrased sentence in code-generator.md to enhance readability _(@Gratla)_


  • Add tests for the Error/Warnings-Factory in libtools _(Florian Lindner @flo91)_
  • Add tests for keySet in the python binary _(Lukas Hartl @lukashartl, Leonard Guelmino @leothetryhard)_
  • Added test for JNA KDB which checks if both get-method implementations return the same result. _(Philipp Leeb @Gratla)_



  • CMake now automatically detects all JNA plugins that are added to Gradle. _(@kodebach)_



  • make copying of artifacts much faster _(Lukas Hartl)_
  • fixed several problems _(Lukas Hartl)_

Cirrus && GitHub Actions

  • Fix wrong path for clang builds on macOS. _(Mihael Pranjić @mpranj)_


  • We added a .gitattributes file to make it easier to build Elektra with WSL. _(@kodebach)_


  • Added dependabot configuration _(Lukas Hartl @lukashartl)_


The website is generated from the repository, so all information about plugins, bindings and tools are always up-to-date. Furthermore, we changed:

  • Overhauled the Get Started page by adding a brief kdb introduction. _(@Milangs)_


We are currently working on following topics:

  • 1.0 API _(Stefan Hanreich)_ and _(Klemens Böswirth @kodebach)_
  • Elektrify KDE and GNOME _(Mihael Pranjić @mpranj)_
  • Elektrify XFCE _(Richard Stöckl @Eiskasten)_
  • Mounting SQL databases _(Florian Lindner @flo91)_
  • Recording Configuration _(Maximilian Irlinger)_
  • Ansible-Elektra _(Lukas Hartl)_
  • Improving Build Server Infrastructure _(Lukas Hartl)_ and _(Maximilian Irlinger)_
  • Improve Java Development Experience _(Michael Tucek)_
  • KDB access using FUSE _(Alexander Firbas)_
  • Shell completion _(Ulrike Schäfer)_
  • Rewriting tools in C _(Florian Lindner @flo91)_, _(Maximilian Irlinger)_ and _(Richard Stöckl @Eiskasten)_.


We closed 51 issues for this release.

<<scripts/git-release-stats 0.9.VER-1 0.9.<<VERSION>>>>

Thanks to all authors for making this release possible!

Join the Initiative!

We welcome new contributors! Read here about how to get started.

As first step, you could give us feedback about these release notes. Contact us via our issue tracker.

Get the Release!

You can download the release from here or GitHub

The hashsums are:

<<scripts/generate-hashsums elektra-0.9.<<VERSION>>.tar.gz>>

The release tarball is also available signed using GnuPG from here or on GitHub

The following GPG Key was used to sign this release: 12CC44541E1B8AD9B66AFAD55262E7353324914A

Already built API-Docu can be found here or on GitHub.

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If you also want to participate, or for any questions and comments please contact us via our issue tracker on GitHub.

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For more information, see https://libelektra.org.

Best regards, Elektra Initiative