Elektra  0.9.10
Plugin: filecheck
  • infos = Information about the filecheck plugin is in keys below
  • infos/author = Thomas Waser thoma.nosp@m.s.wa.nosp@m.ser@l.nosp@m.ibel.nosp@m.ektra.nosp@m..org
  • infos/licence = BSD
  • infos/provides =
  • infos/needs =
  • infos/recommends =
  • infos/placements = pregetstorage precommit
  • infos/status = maintained unittest tested libc configurable nodoc
  • infos/metadata =
  • infos/description = validates files (e.g. encoding)


The filecheck plugin validates files. It tests: encoding, lineendings, BOM, printable characters and null bytes.


See installation. The package is called libelektra5-extra.


check/lineending valid/lineending When the check/lineending key is present, the plugin checks the file for consistent line endings. If you want to validate for a specific line ending you can supply it with the valid/lineending key. Valid values are: CR, LF, CRLF, LFCR.

check/encoding valid/encoding When the checkEncoding key is present, the plugin validates the file encoding supplied by the key encoding, or, if not present, defaults to UTF-8

reject/null When the reject/null key is present, the plugin rejects the file if a NULL-Byte is found.

reject/bom When the reject/bom key is present, the plugin rejects the file if any BOM markers are found.

reject/unprintable When the reject/unprintable key is preset, the plugin rejects the file if an unprintable character is present (except \r and \n).