Elektra  0.9.10
Plugin: macaddr
  • infos = Information about the macaddr plugin is in keys below
  • infos/author = Thomas Bretterbauer e0130.nosp@m.6821.nosp@m.@stud.nosp@m.ent..nosp@m.tuwie.nosp@m.n.ac.nosp@m..at
  • infos/licence = BSD
  • infos/needs =
  • infos/provides = check
  • infos/recommends =
  • infos/placements = postgetstorage presetstorage
  • infos/status = maintained nodep
  • infos/metadata = check/macaddr
  • infos/description = Validates MAC-addresses and returns them as integers


This plugin validates MAC-addresses. The following MAC-address-formats are supported:

Integer values (0 - 281474976710655)

kdbGet returns an integer-representation of these values.


See installation. The package is called libelektra5-extra.


# Backup-and-Restore: user:/tests/mac
# Mount `macaddr` plugin
sudo kdb mount macconf.ecf user:/tests/mac macaddr
# Setting a MAC address using colons
kdb set user:/tests/mac/mac1 00:A0:C9:14:C8:29
# RET: 0
# Setting a MAC address using hyphens
kdb set user:/tests/mac/mac2 00-A0-C9-14-C8-29
# RET: 0
# Setting a MAC address using one hyphen
kdb set user:/tests/mac/mac3 00A0C9-14C829
# RET: 0
# Setting a MAC address using an integer value
kdb set user:/tests/mac/mac4 17661175009296
# RET: 0
# Marking written keys as MAC addresses
kdb meta-set user:/tests/mac/mac1 check/macaddr ""
kdb meta-set user:/tests/mac/mac2 check/macaddr ""
kdb meta-set user:/tests/mac/mac3 check/macaddr ""
kdb meta-set user:/tests/mac/mac4 check/macaddr ""
# Setting a MAC address using an invalid address
kdb set user:/tests/mac/mac1 00:G1:C9:14:C8:29
# RET: 5
# Setting a MAC address using an invalid address
kdb set user:/tests/mac/mac1 00:E1:C914:C8:29
# RET: 5
# Setting a MAC address using an invalid address
kdb set user:/tests/mac/mac4 281474976710656
# RET: 5
# Retrieving a MAC address with colons as integer
kdb get user:/tests/mac/mac1
#> 690568349737
# Retrieving a MAC address with hyphens as integer
kdb get user:/tests/mac/mac2
#> 690568349737
# Retrieving a MAC address with one hyphen as integer
kdb get user:/tests/mac/mac3
#> 690568349737
# Retrieving an integer MAC address
kdb get user:/tests/mac/mac4
#> 17661175009296
kdb rm -r user:/tests/mac
sudo kdb umount user:/tests/mac



