Elektra 0.9.12
Use Case: Set configuration


  • Scope: libelektra-kdb
  • Level: Developer Goal
  • Actors: Application, Elektra
  • Brief: Application stores configuration into KDB


  • Precondition: -
  • Main success scenario:
    • Application asks to store new configuration into KDB
    • Elektra stores configuration in backends
  • Alternative scenario: -
  • Error scenario:
    • Application asks to store new configuration into KDB
    • Elektra fails to store configuration
    • Elektra returns error with problem description
  • Postcondition:
    • The provided configuration MUST be stored into the KDB exactly. Loading the configuration later (assuming no outside modifications) MUST return the provided configuration.
    • In case of error, the KDB MUST NOT be modified. Loading the configuration later (assuming no outside modifications) MUST return the same configuration as before the attempt to store new configuration.
  • Non-functional Constraints:
    • Storing configuration MUST only touch the backends that have new data.