Elektra 0.9.14
Plugin: date
  • infos = Information about the date plugin is in keys below
  • infos/author = Thomas Waser thoma.nosp@m.s.wa.nosp@m.ser@l.nosp@m.ibel.nosp@m.ektra.nosp@m..org
  • infos/licence = BSD
  • infos/needs =
  • infos/provides =
  • infos/recommends =
  • infos/placements = presetstorage postgetstorage
  • infos/status = recommended productive maintained reviewed conformant compatible coverage specific unittest tested libc final
  • infos/metadata = check/date check/date/format
  • infos/description = validates date and time strings


See installation. The package is called libelektra5-extra.

Validation options

The following representation standards of dates and times are currently supported and can be use by setting check/date to:


    see STRPTIME(3) for more information. A valid format has to be specified in check/date/format

  • ISO8601

    see ISO8601. Possible format strings specified in check/date/format, default: datetime complete+truncated:

    • Dates/Time:
      • Date:
        • calendardate calendar dates: day of month - month - year.
        • weekdate calendar week and day numbers, e.g. YYYY-Www-D
        • ordinaldate year + day of the year
        • date calendardate, weekdate, and ordinaldate combined
      • Time:
        • timeofday 24-hour timekeeyping system
        • utc coordinates universal time. either by appending a time-zone designator or the time difference to UTC to timeofday
      • Combined: datetime combination of Dates and Time according to th ISO8601 specification.
    • Representation: if no representation is specified, complete+reduced+truncated is used as default.
      • complete complete representation, dates are separated by hyphens, times by colon, e.g. YYYY-MM-DD or hh:mm:ss
      • reduced reduced precision, e.g. YYYY-MM, or hh
      • truncated truncated representation, hyphens used to indicate omitted components, e.g. –MM-DD or –ss
      • complete+reduced+truncated allow all 3 representations
      • complete+reduced allow only complete + reduced representation
      • complete+truncated allow only complete + truncated representation
      • reduced+truncated allow only reduced + truncated representation.
    • Format: if no format is specified both basic and extended are treated as valid.
      • basic no separating character between individual components of a date, time or datetime expression.
      • extended separating characters between components. date components separated by hyphen, time components by colon.
  • RFC2822

    a set of possible format strings derived from rfc2822 3.3, no format string needed.






Testing timezone designators currently only works with glibc. Unit tests using timezone designators are locale dependent.