Elektra  0.9.3
kdb-set(1) -- Set the value of a key

kdb set <key name> [<value>]

Where key name is the name of the key you wish to set the value of (or create) and value is the value you would like to set the key to. If the value argument is not passed, the key will be set to a value of null.

This command allows the user to set the value of an individual key.

To set a key to an empty value, "" should be passed for the value argument.

To set a key to a negative value, -- has to be used to stop option processing. (see example below)

To set a Key to the value Hello World!:
kdb set user/example/key "Hello World!"

To create a new key with a null value:
kdb set user/example/key

To set a key to an empty value:
kdb set user/example/key ""

To set a key to a negative value:
kdb set -- /tests/neg -3

To create bookmarks:
kdb set user/sw/elektra/kdb/#0/current/bookmarks

Followed by:
kdb set user/sw/elektra/kdb/#0/current/bookmarks/kdb user/sw/elektra/kdb/#0/current