Elektra  0.9.4
Plugin: gopts

This plugin is very simple in what it does. It uses system specific methods of accessing argc and argv outside of main and then calls elektraGetOpts to do options processing.

The config key /offset may be given to ignore a number of arguments at the start of argv. This is useful, if gopts was called from a script via an interpreter (e.g. in python scripts).

The preferred way of using this plugin is via kdbEnsure:

KDB * kdb = kdbOpen (parentKey);
KeySet * contract = ksNew (1, keyNew ("system:/elektra/ensure/plugins/global/gopts", KEY_VALUE, "mounted", KEY_END), KS_END);
int rc = kdbEnsure (kdb, contract, parentKey);
if (rc != 0)
// error handling
// gopts now mounted
KeySet * ks = ksNew (0, KS_END);
kdbGet (kdb, ks, parentKey);

If elektraGetOpts determined that the application is in help mode (i.e. --help was used), gopts will set the key proc:/elektra/gopts/help to 1. It will also invoke elektraGetOptsHelpMessage and write the result into the key proc:/elektra/gopts/help/message. The usage and prefix values used for this call can be configured, via the /help/usage and /help/prefix config keys.