Elektra  0.9.4
Plugin: list

The List plugin can be used everywhere a list of plugins is required. It takes a list of plugins + configurations for every placement it's placed in and loads them.


Specifies the set-placements for the list plugin, e.g. "presetstorage precommit"


Specifies the get-placements for the list plugin.


Specifies the error-placements for the list plugin.


Common config for all plugins.


The name of the plugin to load.


Internal handle of already loaded plugin. Useful when loading plugins at run-time with elektraPluginOpen(). Do not set permanently (e.g. with kdb set).


A list of set-placements for the plugin. Same for "get" and "error"


Plugin specific config.

The plugin exports a few useful functions:

int elektraListMountPlugin (Plugin * handle, const char * pluginName, KeySet * pluginConfig, Key * errorKey)
int elektraListUnmountPlugin (Plugin * handle, const char * pluginName, Key * errorKey)
Plugin * elektraListFindPlugin (Plugin * handle, const char * pluginName)

elektraListMountPlugin can be used to add a new plugin to the config. The placement will be queried from the plugin itself (from its infos/placements metadata). If the plugin is added already nothing happens, otherwise pluginConfig is used to open the plugin.

elektraListUnmountPlugin is the opposite, it is used to remove a plugin from the config.

Finally, elektraListFindPlugin looks for a plugin in the config, and if found returns its handle.

placements/get = "postgetstorage"
config/cut = "will/be/overridden/for/plugin/#0"
plugins/#0 = "rename"
plugins/#0/placements plugin placements
plugins/#0/placements/get = "postgetstorage"
plugins/#0/config pluginconfig goes here
plugins/#0/config/cut = "will/be/stripped"
plugins/#1 = "keytometa"
plugins/#1/placements/get = "postgetstorage"
plugins/#2 = "enum"
plugins/#2/placements/get = "postgetstorage"

would have the callstack:

  1. list->kdbGet
    1. rename->kdbGet
    2. keytometa->kdbGet
    3. enum->kdbGet