Elektra  0.9.4
Plugin: ruby

This plugin is an Elektra to Ruby bridge and makes is possible to implement Elektra plugins with Ruby. This plugin requires the ruby binding.

The plugin has the following configuration options:

Mount a configuration file using this plugin, which specifying the concrete Ruby Elektra plugin:

kdb mount /.ssh/authorized_keys user:/ssh/authorized_keys ruby script=<path to elektra
kdb ls user:/ssh/authorized_keys

The following example illustrates how to implement a Elektra plugin with Ruby:

require 'kdb'
# call the static function 'define' to define a new Plugin. This
# function expects one argument and a block, which implements the plugin
Kdb::Plugin.define :somename do
# this is automatically defined
#@plugin_name = "somename"
# 'Open' method, called during Elektra plugin initialization
# parameter:
# - errorKey: Kdb::Key, add error information if required
# returns:
# - nil or 0: no error
# - -1 : error during initialization
def open(errorKey)
# perform plugin initialization
# if an error occurs it is save to simply throw an exception. This has the same
# semantic as returning -1
# the close method is currently not supported, since this will crash the
# Ruby-VM if this method should be called during the VM.finalization !!!
#def close(errorKey)
# 'check_conf' method, called before this plugin is used for mounting to check
# if the supplied config is valid. Missing or invalid config settings can be
# 'corrected' or added.
# Parameter:
# - errorKey: Kdb::Key, to add error information
# - config: Kdb::KeySet, holds all plugin configuration setting
# returns:
# - nil or 1 : success and the plugin configuration was NOT changed
# - 0 : the plugin configuration was changed and is now OK
# - -1 : the configuration is NOT OK
def check_conf(errorKey, config)
# 'get' method, is called during a get cycle, to query all keys
# Parameter:
# - returned : Kdb::KeySet, already holding keys to be manipulated or to be
# filled by a storage plugin. All added keys have to have the same
# key name prefix as given by parentKey.
# - parentKey: Kdb::Key, defining the current Elektra path. The value of this key
# holds the configuration file name to read from
# Returns:
# - nil or 1 : on success
# - 0 : OK but nothing was to do
# - -1 : failure
def get(returned, parentKey)
# 'set' method, is called when writing a configuration file
# Parameter:
# - returned : Kdb::KeySet, holding all keys which should be written to the
# config file.
# - parentKey: Kdb::Key, defining the current Elektra path. The value of this key
# holds the configuration file name to write to
# Returns:
# - nil or 1 : on success
# 0 : on success with no changed keys in database
# -1 : failure
def set(returned, parentKey)
# 'error' method, is called when some plugin had a problem during a write cycle
# Parameter:
# - returned : Kdb::KeySet, holding all keys which should be written to the
# config file.
# - parentKey: Kdb::Key, defining the current Elektra path. The value of this key
# holds the configuration file name to write to
# Returns:
# - nil or 1 : on success
# 0 : on success with no action
# -1 : failure
def error(returned, parentKey)