Elektra  0.9.4
Plugin: uname

This plugin is a storage plugin that will use the syscall uname (2). No resolver is needed for that plugin to work.

This plugin defines following keynames below its mount point:

This plugin is read-only.

# To mount uname information using this plugin:
kdb mount -R noresolver none user:/tests/uname uname
# List available data
kdb ls user:/tests/uname/
#> user:/tests/uname/machine
#> user:/tests/uname/nodename
#> user:/tests/uname/release
#> user:/tests/uname/sysname
#> user:/tests/uname/version
# Read the OS name
kdb get user:/tests/uname/sysname
# STDOUT-REGEX: CYGWIN_NT.*|Darwin|DragonFly|FreeBSD|Linux|OpenBSD
# Read the OS version number
kdb get user:/tests/uname/release
# STDOUT-REGEX: [0-9]+(\.[0-9]+)*[[:alnum:][:punct:]]*
# Unmount the plugin
kdb umount user:/tests/uname