Elektra  0.9.4
Plugin: validation

This plugin is a check plugin which checks string values of Keys using regular expressions.

The validation plugin looks for two metakeys. check/validation gives a regular expression to check against. If it is present, check/validation/message may contain an optional humanly readable message that will be passed with the error information.

Important: To validate against the whole string, you have to start the regular expression with ^ and end it with $. Otherwise expressions that e.g. match the empty string, always return true. Alternatively, you can use check/validation/match=LINE.

Metadata can be supplied to configure the validation:

The implementation consists of a loop checking for every key if it has the mentioned metakey. The check itself is done by the POSIX regular expression library with the interface regcomp, regexec, regerror and regfree. The flag REG_EXTENDED is passed so that the regular expression will be compiled as an extended regular expression. REG_NOSUB gives a better performance and subexpressions cannot be used in this setup anyway.

The plugin also exports the function ksLookupRE() that does a lookup in a KeySet using a regular expression. It starts from the current cursor of the KeySet and stops when the first value matches. Finally, this key is returned.