Elektra  0.9.4
Plugin Variants

Some plugins are generic in the sense that they cannot fully define their contract statically. (Note: if they can decide it statically, you should prefer compilation variants.) Instead their contract is based on their configuration. We will call every combination of plugins+configuration where we get a different contract plugin variant.

The current issue is that there is no way to enumerate possible plugin variants as needed to list all functionality of Elektra.

A specification of the plugin's configuration and a tool that can enumerate all possible essential configurations. Problems here are:

Implementation delayed after 1.0.

Best implementation candidate was:

  1. Provide a function int genconf (KeySet * ks, Key * errorKey) where ks is filled with a list of all variants with the essential configuration (subkeys config) and the changed parts of the contract (subkeys infos).
  2. Keys defined in system:/elektra/plugins/<plugin>/variants/<variantname> have the same content, but take precedence. If a variant with the same name is defined, only config or infos from genconf are considered if they are not mentioned in system:/elektra/plugins/variants.
  3. If the bool key override (for a plugin or a variant) is true, it will be overwritten (content of genconf ignored, but instead a plugin or variant as given is created).
  4. If the bool key disable (for a plugin or a variant) is true the plugin or a variant of the plugin will not be available.
  5. Empty config and infos mean:
    • config: The "default variant" (without any parameter) should be also available (has useful functionality)
    • infos: It is not possible to determine the changes of the contract, the user need to instantiate the plugin and enquiry the contract.

genconf for augeas yields:

system:/access/config/lens = Access.lns
system:/access/infos/provides = storage/access
system:/aliases/config/lens = Aliases.lns
system:/aliases/infos/provides = storage/aliases

genconf for python might yield:

user:/configparser/config/script = python_configparser.py

The user:/admin specifies:

system:/elektra/plugins/jni/disable = 1
system:/elektra/plugins/augeas/variants/access/disable = 1
system:/elektra/plugins/augeas/variants/aliases/infos/status = 10000
system:/elektra/plugins/python/variants/configparser/override = 1
system:/elektra/plugins/python/variants/configparser/config/script = mybetter_configparser.py

As result we get:

  1. access of plugin augeas is not available
  2. aliases of plugin augeas as defined from genconf, but with changes in contract (infos/status)
  3. configparser of plugin python is completely redefined (result from genconf will not be considered) but it will be considered as specified.
  4. the plugin jni will not be available

To have a space-separated simpleini one would use:

system:/elektra/plugins/simpleini/variants/spacesep/config/format = "% %"

Currently only overrides of plugin configuration (config/...) is possible, overrides of other plugin information (contract information) does not work yet.

It is also not possible to add additional information to a variant, only overrides work. E.g.

system:/elektra/plugins/augeas/variants/aliases/override = 1
system:/elektra/plugins/augeas/variants/aliases/config/lens = Aliases.lns
system:/elektra/plugins/augeas/variants/aliases/config/otherparam = 0

works, while

system:/elektra/plugins/augeas/variants/aliases/config/otherparam = 0

gets ignored.

Discussions took place here.