Elektra  0.9.7
kdb-plugin-list(1) – List plugins available to Elektra


kdb plugin-list [provider]


This command will either list all available Elektra plugins or all plugins that provide a specific functionality.

The output will be sorted alphabetically unless option -v is passed. With option -v the output will be sorted by their status, the best plugins will be the last in the list.


  • -H, --help: Show the man page.
  • -V, --version: Print version info.
  • -p, --profile <profile>: Use a different kdb profile.
  • -C, --color <when>: Print never/auto(default)/always colored output.
  • -v, --verbose: Also output the number calculated by their infos/status clause in the contract. Sorts the output ascending by the calculated status. Prints additional information in case of errors/warnings.
  • -d, --debug: Give debug information. Prints additional debug information in case of errors/warnings.
  • -0, --null: Use binary 0 termination


To get a sorted list of all available plugins with their status:
kdb plugin-list -v

To get a sorted list of all storage plugins:
kdb plugin-list storage

To get a sorted list of all plugins that provide ini with their status:
kdb plugin-list -v ini