Elektra  0.9.7
Plugin: desktop
  • infos = Information about the desktop plugin is in keys below
  • infos/author = Markus Raab elekt.nosp@m.ra@l.nosp@m.ibele.nosp@m.ktra.nosp@m..org
  • infos/licence = BSD
  • infos/needs =
  • infos/provides = storage/info
  • infos/recommends =
  • infos/placements = getstorage setstorage
  • infos/status = recommended maintained specific nodep libc readonly limited unfinished concept
  • infos/metadata =
  • infos/description = reads desktop information


The plugin is informational and mainly be used to provide context for other configuration. See elektrify-getenv.


See installation. The package is called libelektra5-extra.


To mount the plugin please use:

sudo kdb mount --resolver noresolver none system:/info/desktop desktop

or it is already included if you already mounted the info plugins with:

sudo kdb mount-info

Then you can get desktop information via:

kdb get system:/info/desktop

You either get a lower-case string (supported desktops see below) or no key if no desktop was detected.

Supported Desktops

Currently supported desktops are:

  • KDE
  • TDE
  • Unity
  • XDG conformant desktops (XDG_CURRENT_DESKTOP)

Currently the detection relies on environment variables, which will not work in setuid or otherwise secured binaries. Please open a bug report if the detection does not work for you: https://issues.libelektra.org