Elektra  0.9.7
Plugin: file
  • infos = Information about the file plugin is in keys below
  • infos/author = Thomas Waser thoma.nosp@m.s.wa.nosp@m.ser@l.nosp@m.ibel.nosp@m.ektra.nosp@m..org
  • infos/licence = BSD
  • infos/needs =
  • infos/provides = storage/file
  • infos/recommends =
  • infos/placements = getstorage setstorage
  • infos/status = specific unittest tested nodep libc configurable preview experimental
  • infos/metadata =
  • infos/description = reads complete file into a key


The file plugin reads the content of a file and stores it into the parent key.


See installation. The package is called libelektra5-experimental.


  • binary

    treats the file as a binary file instead of a text file

  • info

    adds additional informations about the file as metadata to the parent key.

    • info/size filesize
    • info/ctime time of last status change
    • info/atime time of last access
    • info/mtime time of last modification
    • info/uid user ID of owner
    • info/gid group ID of owner
    • info/mode protection
    • info/inode inode number


kdb mount file /testfile file




# Mount the file `file/multiline` at `system:/tests/file`
sudo kdb mount "$PWD/src/plugins/file/file/singleline" system:/tests/file file info=
# Check the content of the file
kdb get system:/tests/file
#> this is a single line testfile
# List available attributes of the mounted file
kdb meta-ls system:/tests/file
#> info/atime
#> info/ctime
#> info/gid
#> info/inode
#> info/mode
#> info/mtime
#> info/size
#> info/uid
# Check out the file’s permissions
kdb meta-get system:/tests/file info/mode
# STDOUT-REGEX: 1006[46]4
# Unmount the file
sudo kdb umount system:/tests/file

