Elektra  0.9.7
Plugin: shell
  • infos = Information about the shell plugin is in keys below
  • infos/author = Thomas Waser thoma.nosp@m.s.wa.nosp@m.ser@l.nosp@m.ibel.nosp@m.ektra.nosp@m..org
  • infos/licence = BSD
  • infos/needs =
  • infos/provides =
  • infos/placements = postgetstorage postcommit postrollback
  • infos/status = nodep configurable preview unfinished
  • infos/description = executes shell commands


The shell plugin executes shell commandos after set, get or error.

The configuration keys

  • execute/set
  • execute/get
  • execute/error

are used to store the shell commands.

The configuration keys

  • execute/set/return
  • execute/get/return
  • execute/error/return

can be compared against the return values of the shell commandos.


# Create temporary file
kdb set system:/tests/tempfile $(mktemp)
# Mount plugin and specify plugin configuration
sudo kdb mount shell.ini system:/tests/shell ni array= shell execute/set="echo set >> $(kdb get system:/tests/tempfile)"
cat $(kdb get system:/tests/tempfile)
# Execute `set` command
kdb set system:/tests/shell ""
#> Create a new key system:/tests/shell with string ""
cat $(kdb get system:/tests/tempfile)
#> set
# Undo modifications
rm $(kdb get system:/tests/tempfile)
kdb rm -r system:/tests/shell
sudo kdb umount system:/tests/shell