Elektra 0.11.0
Use Case: Assert that certain keys contain specific values


  • Title: Assert that certain keys contain specific values
  • Scope: ansible-libelektra
  • Level: User goal
  • Actors: System administrator
  • Brief: There should be a functionality in ansible-libelektra to assert certain keys have certain values. For example, some app B requires that a certain app A is already set up and running before configuring can be done. It may also be used to check that a certain plugin (e.g. check) is correctly installed within Elektra.


  • Precondition: The user asserts a certain value for a key in the task
  • Main success scenario: The key on the target machine meets the assertion -> continue the execution
  • Alternative scenario: The key on the target machine does not meet the assertion -> fail the execution
  • Error scenario: -
  • Postcondition: -
  • Non-functional Constraints: -