Elektra 0.11.0
Use Case: Download Configuration Snippet in Specific Format


  • Title: Download configuration snippet in specific format
  • Scope: Entry Details
  • Level: User Goal
  • Actors: Anonymous user (+ all others)
  • Brief: Any user can download the configuration snippets in various formats (XML, JSON, ini, ...).


  • Precondition: Entry has been found through search or detailed view of an entry is opened
  • Main success scenario: User successfully downloads the raw configuration snippet in the selected format. The snippet can then be stored directly as configuration file.
  • Alternative scenario: The specified entry (URI) cannot be found. The user is informed about the error by an error message.
  • Error scenario: Technical problems prevent the operation from completing. The user is informed about the error by an error message containing further information.
  • Postcondition: The database remains unchanged.
  • Non-functional Constraints:
    • Essential functionality of the program