Elektra  0.8.10
Data Structures
Here are the data structures with brief descriptions:
[detail level 123]
\NkdbThis is the main namespace for the C++ binding and libraries
 oNtoolsThis namespace is for the libtool library
 |oCBackendA representation of the backend (= set of plugins) that can be mounted
 |oCBackendInfoInfo about a backend
 |oCBackendsAllows one to list backends
 |oCModulesAllows one to load plugins
 |oCPluginsA collection of plugins (either get, set or error)
 |\CToolExceptionAll exceptions from the elektratools library are derived from this exception
 oCContextProvides a context for configuration
 oCDefaultGetPolicySimply lookup without spec
 oCDefaultSetPolicyImplements update when key is not found
 oCKDBOpens the session with the Key database.
 oCKeyA Key is the essential class that encapsulates key name , value and metainfo .
 oCKeySetA keyset holds together a set of keys