Elektra  0.8.14
File List
Here is a list of all documented files with brief descriptions:
 automergeconfiguration.hppA configuration for a simple automerge
 automergestrategy.cppImplementation of AutoMergeStrategy
 automergestrategy.hppA strategy for taking the value of
 src/backend.cppImplementation of backend
 backend.hppImplements a way to build and deal with a backend
 backends.hppAllows one to list all available backends
 comparison.cppComparison helper functions
 comparison.hppComparison helper functions
 importmergeconfiguration.hppA configuration for a simple automerge and guaranteed conflict resolution by one side
 interactivemergestrategy.cppImplementation of InteractiveMergeStrategy
 interactivemergestrategy.hppInteractive merge strategy asking for user input at each step
 kdbplugin.hppHelpers for creating plugins
 keyhelper.cppKey helper functions
 keyhelper.hppKey helper functions
 mergeconfiguration.hppBase class for defining preconfigured merge configurations
 mergeconflict.hppModels a merge conflict
 mergeconflictstrategy.cppImplementation of MergeConflictStrategy
 mergeconflictstrategy.hppInterface for a MergeConflictStrategy
 mergeresult.cppImplementation of MergeResult
 mergeresult.hppClass modelling the result of a three way merge
 mergetask.hppModels a merge task
 mergetestutils.cppImplements a helper class for merge related tests
 metamergestrategy.cppImplementation of MetaMergeStrategy
 metamergestrategy.hppApplies a MergeConflictStrategy on the meta keys
 modules.cppImplementation of module loading
 modules.hppAllows one to load plugins
 newkeystrategy.cppImplementation of OneSideStrategy
 newkeystrategy.hppA strategy which always takes the value from one side
 onesidemergeconfiguration.hppA configuration for a simple automerge and guaranteed conflict resolution by one side
 onesidestrategy.cppImplementation of OneSideStrategy
 onesidestrategy.hppA strategy which always takes the value from one side
 onesidevaluestrategy.cppImplementation of OneSideStrategy
 overwritemergeconfiguration.hppA configuration for a simple automerge and guaranteed conflict resolution by one side
 plugin.cppImplementation of plugin
 plugin.hppHeader file of plugin
 plugins.cppImplementation of set/get/error plugins
 plugins.hppImplementation of get/set and error plugins
 proposal.cImplementation of proposed API enhancements
 testtool_automergestrategy.cppTests for the AutoMergeStrategy
 testtool_backend.cppTests for the Backend class
 testtool_comparison.cppTests for the comparison helper
 testtool_keyhelper.cppTests for the key helper
 testtool_mergecases.cppTests for the ThreeWayMerge
 testtool_mergeresult.cppTests for the Mergeresult class
 testtool_metamergestrategy.cppTests for the MetaMergeStrategy
 testtool_newkeystrategy.cppTests for the NewKeyStrategy
 testtool_onesidestrategy.cppTests for the OneSideStrategy
 testtool_samemountpoint.cppTests for the Backend class
 testtool_umount.cppTests for the umount
 threewaymerge.cppImplementation of ThreeWayMerge
 threewaymerge.hppImplements a way to build and deal with a backend
 toolexcept.hppImplementation of all exceptions elektratools library might throw