Elektra  0.8.17
Markdown Link Converter

The Markdown link Converter, which filters markdown pages before the processing of doxygen, converts the links in markdown pages. It is set up as input filter in doxygen, if a markdown file is desired to be in the API documentation it only must have the extension .md and be in the INPUT path.

The Markdown link Converter gives each markdown file a header { #header } which is attached to a title and converts the links to refer to this headers. This conversion happens in 2 passes, which is needed because there can be files with no title.

Usage for manual invocation

    markdownlinkconverter [<cmake-cache-file>] <input-file>

The <input-file> parameter must be an absolute path!


Link Validation

The link validation works with a simple try to fopen the file, which the link refers to.

Further improvements (which will be introduced in a later version):