Elektra  0.8.17
Related Pages
Here is a list of all related documentation pages:
 elektra-libs(7) -- libs overview
 Plugin: augeas
 Plugin: cachefilter
 Plugin: ccode
 Plugin: conditionals
 Plugin: constants
 Plugin: counter
 Plugin: crypto
 Plugin: csvstorage
 Plugin: curlget
 Plugin: dbus
 Plugin: doc
 Plugin: dpkg
 Plugin: dump
 Plugin: enum
 Plugin: error
 Plugin: filecheck
 Plugin: fstab
 Plugin: glob
 Plugin: hexcode
 Plugin: hidden
 Plugin: hosts
 Plugin: iconv
 Plugin: ini
 Plugin: iterate
 Plugin: jni
 Plugin: journald
 Plugin: keytometa
 Plugin: line
 Plugin: lineendings
 Plugin: list
 Plugin: logchange
 Plugin: lua
 Plugin: mathcheck
 Plugin: network
 Plugin: ni
 Plugin: noresolver
 Plugin: null
 Plugin: path
 Plugin: profile
 Plugin: python
 Plugin: python2
 elektra-plugins(7) -- plugins overview
 Plugin: regexstore
 Plugin: rename
 Plugin: resolver
 Plugin: semlock
 Plugin: shell
 Plugin: simpleini
 Plugin: spec
 Plugin: struct
 Plugin: sync
 Plugin: syslog
 Plugin: tcl
 Plugin: template
 Plugin: timeofday
 Plugin: tracer
 Plugin: type
 Plugin: uname
 Plugin: validation
 Plugin: wresolver
 Plugin: xmltool
 Plugin: yajl
 CODINGintensively (except for file headers)
 Definition of bool
 CMake Plugins
 CMake Spec
 Cryptographic Key Handling
 Empty Files
 Global Plugins
 Holes in KeySets
 Internal KeySet Cache
 Library Split
 Null Pointer Checks
 Pub/Sub Communication
 Script Testing
 C++ Unit Testing Framework
 Vendor Spec
 elektra-algorithm(7) -- core algorithm of elektra
 elektra-architecture(7) -- architecture of elektra
 elektra-backends(7) -- the backend concept
 elektra-bootstrapping(7) -- default backend
 elektra-cascading(7) -- of key names
 elektra classes(7) -- introduction to Elektra's classes
 elektra-contracts(7) -- contracts for plugins
 elektra-data-structures(7) -- data structures
 elektra-error-handling(7) -- error handling in Elektra
 elektra-glossary(7) -- glossary of Elektra
 elektra-hierarchy(7) -- standard hierarchy
 elektra-introduction(7) -- an introduction to Elektra
 elektra-key-names(7) -- the names of keys
 elektra-merge-strategies(7) -- how to merge key sets
 elektra-meta-data(7) -- meta data
 elektra-mounting(7) -- mounting
 elektra-namespaces(7) -- namespaces
 elektra-plugins-framework(7) -- Background about plugins framework
 elektra-plugins-ordering(7) -- ordering of plugins
 elektra-related -- related configuration systems
 elektra-semantics(7) -- Semantics of KDB
 elektra-spec(7) -- spec namespace
 elektra-values(7) -- values of elektra keys
 kdb-check(1) -- Perform internal checks
 kdb-convert(1) -- Convert configuration files using elektra
 kdb-cp(1) -- Copy keys within the key database
 kdb-editor(1) -- Use your editor for editing KDB
 kdb-export(1) -- Export keys from the key database
 kdb-file(1) -- Displays which file a key is stored in
 kdb-fstab(1) -- Create a new fstab entry
 kdb-get(1) -- Get the value of a key stored in the key database
 kdb-getmeta(1) -- Get the value of a meta key stored in the key database
 kdb-global-mount(1) - Globally mount plugins
 kdb-help(1) -- Show man page for elektra tools
 kdb-import(1) -- Import an existing configuration into the key database
 kdb-info(1) -- Print information about an Elektra plugin
 kdb-list-tools(1) - List all external tools available to Elektra
 kdb-list(1) -- List plugins available to Elektra
 kdb-ls(1) -- List keys in the key database
 kdb-lsmeta(1) - Print meta keys associated with a key
 kdb-merge(1) -- Three-way merge of KeySets
 kdb-mount(1) - Mount a file to the key database
 kdb-mv(1) -- Move keys within the key database
 kdb-remount(1) - Use an existing backend to mount a new file
 kdb-rm(1) -- Remove key(s) from the key database
 kdb-set(1) -- Set the value of a key
 kdb-setmeta(1) -- Set the value of a meta key
 kdb-sget(1) -- Get the value of a key stored in the key database from a script
 kdb-shell(1) -- Start a kdb shell instance
 kdb-spec-mount(1) - Mount a spec file to the key database
 kdb-test(1) -- Run test(s) on the key database
 kdb-umount(1) - Unmount a file from the key database
 kdb-vset(1) - Set the value of a key with a validation regular expression
 kdb(1) -- key database access tools
 Markdown Link Converter
 0.8.17 Release
 Order of namespaces
 Compilation Variants
 How-To: Integrate elektra-merge Into a Debian Package
 How-To: kdb export
 How-To: kdb import
 How-To: kdb merge
 How-To: Write a Plugin
 Why should I use Elektra?
 kdb-find-tools(1) -- The tool for finding tools
 Deprecated List