Since 0.8.15 libelektra is split in following libraries:
Libelektra is now only a stub for legacy applications. It basically only links all previous libraries together. It should not be used for new applications or plugins.
Contains all sources of Elektra linked to together in one large library. Useful if you do not want dynamically loaded plugins. Should only be used on embedded systems (where whole application stack is done by you) and for tests.
Contains all sources of Elektra linked to together in one large library. Useful if you need your application to be linked statically against Elektra. Should only be used on embedded systems (where whole application stack is done by you) and for tests.
libelektra-kdb.so <kdb.h> (kdb*)
Contains kdb* symbols and applications should link against it.
Contains elektraPlugin* symbols and plugins should link against it.
Contains data-structure operations on top of libcore which do not depend on internals. Applications and plugins can choose to not link against it if they want to stay minimal.
Contains functions that are proposed for libcore. Depends on internas of libcore and as such must always fit to the exact same version.
Contains meta data operations as described in METADATA.ini. Will be code-generated in the future, so methods should be mechanical reflections of the contents in METADATA.ini.
libelektra-core.so <kdbhelper.h> <kdb.h> (key* and ks*)
Contains the fundamental data-structures every participant of Elektra needs to link against. It should be the only part that access the internal data structures.
Is a high-level C++ shared-code for tools. It includes: