Elektra  0.8.17
Plugin: jni

Generic Java plugin


Allows you to write plugins in java.

Needs Java 8 or later. While the plugin internally uses JNI, the Java binding for your java-plugin may use something different, e.g. JNA. The requirements for the java bindings are:

The java plugin itself needs to have the following methods:


Please install java8 as package, e.g. for debian and then let cmake actually find jdk8:

cd /usr/lib/jvm/ && sudo rm -f default-java && sudo ln -s java-8-oracle default-java

and for the runtime, create the file /etc/ld.so.conf.d/java-8-oracle.conf with the content (for amd64):


and run:

sudo ldconfig

Then enable the plugin using:

cmake -DPLUGINS="...;jni" /path/to/libelektra



should work then, if you get one of these:

kdb-full: error while loading shared libraries: libmawt.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
kdb-full: error while loading shared libraries: libjawt.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

You missed one of the ldconfig steps.

Plugin Config

You need to pass :

Additionally, you can set:


kdb info -c classname=elektra/plugin/PropertiesStorage,classpath=.:/usr/share/java/jna.jar:/usr/lib/java:/path/to/libelektra/src/bindings/jna,print= jni
kdb check -c classname=elektra/plugin/PropertiesStorage,classpath=.:/usr/share/java/jna.jar:/usr/lib/java:/path/to/libelektra/src/bindings/jna,print= jni
kdb mount -c classname=elektra/plugin/PropertiesStorage,classpath=.:/usr/share/java/jna.jar:/usr/lib/java:/path/to/src/bindings/jna,print= file.properties /jni jni classname=elektra/plugin/PropertiesStorage,classpath=.:/usr/share/java/jna.jar:/usr/lib/java:/path/to/libelektra/src/bindings/jna,print=

Or if .jar is already installed:

bin/kdb mount -c classname=elektra/plugin/PropertiesStorage,classpath=.:/usr/share/java/jna.jar:/usr/share/java/elektra.jar,print= file.properties /jni jni classname=elektra/plugin/PropertiesStorage,classpath=.:/usr/share/java/jna.jar:/usr/share/java/elektra.jar,print=

Additionally, the java implementation can request any other additional configuration, read about it below in the section (specific java plugin). If you are reading this page on github, you won't see it, because the plugins dynamically append text after the end of this page.


To know how the methods of your class are called, use:

javap -s YourClass

Also explained here

JNI Functions Invocation


(Argumentation for -500 in status)