- Title: Edit user
- Scope: User Management
- Level: User Goal
- Actors: Authenticated user, Administrator
- Brief: Users can edit their own account information (e.g. change password). Administrators can change all user accounts in the database. Administrators can also change permissions of users.
- Precondition: Authenticated, sufficient permissions
- Main success scenario: Changes to the user account have been stored to the database successfully. The operating user is informed about the success.
- Alternative scenario: The submitted inputs could not be validated or the user entry for which changes are requested cannot be found. The user is informed about the error.
- Error scenario: Technical problems prevent the storage process from completing. The operating user is informed about the issue.
- Postcondition: Changes to the user account are stored in the database successfully and are from now on valid for further requests (e.g. authentication attempts).
- Non-functional Constraints: