Elektra  0.8.23
File List
Here is a list of all documented files with brief descriptions:
 array.cArray methods
 automergeconfiguration.hppA configuration for a simple automerge
 automergestrategy.cppImplementation of AutoMergeStrategy
 automergestrategy.hppA strategy for taking the value of
 backend.cEverything related to a backend
 src/backend.cppImplementation of backend
 backend.hppImplements a way to deal with a backend
 backendbuilder.cppImplementation of backend builder
 backendbuilder.hppImplements a way to build backends
 backendparser.cppTests for the Backend parser class
 backendparser.hppImplements ways to parse backends
 backends.hppAllows one to list all available backends
 benchmark_crypto_comparison.cppBenchmark for comparing the cryptographic providers used in the crypto plugin
 benchmark_plugins.cppBenchmark for getenv
 comparison.cppComparison helper functions
 comparison.hppComparison helper functions
 dbus.cI/O Adapter for D-Bus
 dl.cLoading modules under linux
 doc.cLoading Modules for Elektra documentation
 example_notification.cImplementation of notification functions as defined in kdbnotification.h
 example_notification_async.cImplementation of notification functions as defined in kdbnotification.h
 exportsymbols.cExport symbols tool
 functional.cFunctional helper
 global.cHelpers for global plugins
 importmergeconfiguration.hppA configuration for a simple automerge and guaranteed conflict resolution by one side
 interactivemergestrategy.cppImplementation of InteractiveMergeStrategy
 interactivemergestrategy.hppInteractive merge strategy asking for user input at each step
 internal.cInternal methods for Elektra
 invoke.cLibrary for invoking exported plugin functions
 io.cImplementation of I/O functions as defined in kdbio.h
 io_doc.cI/O example binding
 kdb.cLow level functions for access the Key Database
 kdbassert.hAssertions macros
 kdbenum.cDummy file do document the enums which have no name in the header file
 kdbextension.hExtension functionality
 kdbglobal.hDefines for global plugins
 kdbhelper.hHelper for memory management
 kdbinternal.hIncludes most internal header files
 kdbio.hElektra-I/O structures for I/O bindings, plugins and applications
 kdbio_adapter_dbus.hI/O Adapter for D-Bus
 kdbio_doc.hDeclarations for the doc I/O binding
 kdbio_glib.hDeclarations for the glib I/O binding
 kdbio_uv.hDeclarations for the uv I/O binding
 kdbioplugin.hElektra-I/O functions and declarations for the I/O binding test suite
 kdbioprivate.hPrivate Elektra-IO structures for I/O bindings, plugins and applications
 kdbiotest.hElektra-I/O functions and declarations for the I/O binding test suite
 kdblogger.hLogger Interface
 kdbmacros.hMacros by Elektra
 kdbmeta.hMetadata functions
 kdbnotification.hElektra-Notification structures and declarations for application developers
 kdbnotificationinternal.hElektra-Notification structures and declarations for developing notification and transport plugins
 kdbobsolete.hObsolete/Deprecated API
 kdbopmphm.hDefines for the Order Preserving Minimal Perfect Hash Map
 kdbos.hOperating system specific workarounds
 kdbplugin.hMethods for plugin programing
 kdbplugin.hppHelpers for creating plugins
 kdbprivate.hPrivate declarations
 kdbproposal.hProposed declarations
 kdbrand.hDefines for Rand
 kdbtypes.hElektra’s data types for C and C++11
 key.cMethods for Key manipulation
 keyhelper.cppKey helper functions
 keyhelper.hppKey helper functions
 keyhelpers.cHelpers for key manipulation
 keymeta.cMethods to do various operations on Key metadata
 ease/keyname.cMethods for accessing key names
 elektra/keyname.cMethods for Key name manipulation
 keyset.cMethods for key sets
 keytest.cMethods for making tests
 keyvalue.cMethods for Key value manipulation
 log.cNon-C99 Logger Implementation
 mergeconfiguration.hppBase class for defining preconfigured merge configurations
 mergeconflict.hppModels a merge conflict
 mergeconflictstrategy.cppImplementation of MergeConflictStrategy
 mergeconflictstrategy.hppInterface for a MergeConflictStrategy
 mergeresult.cppImplementation of MergeResult
 mergeresult.hppClass modelling the result of a three way merge
 mergetask.hppModels a merge task
 mergetestutils.cppImplements a helper class for merge related tests
 mergingkdb.cppImplementation of MergeResult
 meta.cMethods for metadata manipulation
 metamergestrategy.cppImplementation of MetaMergeStrategy
 metamergestrategy.hppApplies a MergeConflictStrategy on the metakeys
 modules.cppImplementation of module loading
 modules.hppAllows one to load plugins
 mount.cInternals of mount functionality
 newkeystrategy.cppImplementation of OneSideStrategy
 newkeystrategy.hppA strategy which always takes the value from one side
 nolog.cC99-compatible Fake Logger Implementation
 notification.cImplementation of notification functions as defined in kdbnotification.h
 onesidemergeconfiguration.hppA configuration for a simple automerge and guaranteed conflict resolution by one side
 onesidestrategy.cppImplementation of OneSideStrategy
 onesidestrategy.hppA strategy which always takes the value from one side
 onesidevaluestrategy.cppImplementation of OneSideStrategy
 opmphm.cThe Order Preserving Minimal Perfect Hash Map
 overwritemergeconfiguration.hppA configuration for a simple automerge and guaranteed conflict resolution by one side
 owner.cObsolete owner methods
 elektra/plugin.cInterna of plugin functionality
 plugin/plugin.cAccess plugin handle
 plugin.cppImplementation of plugin
 plugin.hppHeader file of plugin
 plugindatabase.cppImplementation of PluginDatabase(s)
 plugindatabase.hppInterface to all plugins
 pluginprocess.cSource for the pluginprocess library
 plugins.cppImplementation of set/get/error plugins
 plugins.hppImplementation of get/set and error plugins
 pluginspec.cppImplementation of plugin spec
 pluginspec.hppInterface to specify which plugin is meant
 elektra/proposal.cImplementation of proposed API enhancements
 proposal/proposal.cImplementation of proposed API enhancements
 rand.cRand for Elektra
 specreader.hppImplements a way to read spec for mounting purposes
 split.cInterna of splitting functionality
 testio_doc.cTests for I/O doc binding
 testlib_notification.cTests for notification library
 testtool_automergestrategy.cppTests for the AutoMergeStrategy
 testtool_backend.cppTests for the Backend class
 testtool_backendbuilder.cppTests for the Backend builder class
 testtool_backendparser.cppTests for the Backend parser class
 testtool_comparison.cppTests for the comparison helper
 testtool_keyhelper.cppTests for the key helper
 testtool_mergecases.cppTests for the ThreeWayMerge
 testtool_mergeresult.cppTests for the Mergeresult class
 testtool_mergingkdb.cppTests for MergingKDB
 testtool_metamergestrategy.cppTests for the MetaMergeStrategy
 testtool_newkeystrategy.cppTests for the NewKeyStrategy
 testtool_onesidestrategy.cppTests for the OneSideStrategy
 testtool_plugindatabase.cppTests for the plugindatabase class and implementations of it
 testtool_pluginspec.cppTests for the pluginspec class
 testtool_samemountpoint.cppTests for the Backend class
 testtool_specreader.cppTests for the spec readerclass
 testtool_umount.cppTests for the umount
 threewaymerge.cppImplementation of ThreeWayMerge
 threewaymerge.hppImplements a way to build and deal with a backend
 toolexcept.hppImplementation of all exceptions elektratools library might throw
 trie.cInterna of trie functionality
 try_compile_dbus.cCompilation test for D-Bus