Elektra  0.8.23
invoke.c File Reference

Library for invoking exported plugin functions. More...

#include <kdbinvoke.h>
#include <kdbmodule.h>
#include <kdbprivate.h>
#include <stdio.h>
Include dependency graph for invoke.c:


ElektraInvokeHandle * elektraInvokeInitialize (const char *elektraPluginName)
ElektraInvokeHandle * elektraInvokeOpen (const char *elektraPluginName, KeySet *config, Key *errorKey)
 Opens a new handle to invoke functions for a plugin. More...
const void * elektraInvokeGetFunction (ElektraInvokeHandle *handle, const char *elektraPluginFunctionName)
 Get a function pointer. More...
KeySet * elektraInvokeGetPluginConfig (ElektraInvokeHandle *handle)
 Get the configuration the plugin uses. More...
const char * elektraInvokeGetPluginName (ElektraInvokeHandle *handle)
 Get the name of the plugin. More...
void * elektraInvokeGetPluginData (ElektraInvokeHandle *handle)
 Get the data of the plugin. More...
KeySet * elektraInvokeGetModules (ElektraInvokeHandle *handle)
 Get the modules used for invoking. More...
KeySet * elektraInvokeGetExports (ElektraInvokeHandle *handle)
 Get the exports from the plugin. More...
int elektraInvoke2Args (ElektraInvokeHandle *handle, const char *elektraPluginFunctionName, KeySet *ks, Key *k)
 A convenience function to call a function with two arguments. More...
void elektraInvokeClose (ElektraInvokeHandle *handle, Key *errorKey)
 Closes all affairs with the handle. More...
int elektraInvokeCallDeferable (ElektraInvokeHandle *handle, const char *elektraPluginFunctionName, KeySet *parameters)
 Invokes a deferable function on a plugin handle. More...
void elektraInvokeExecuteDeferredCalls (ElektraInvokeHandle *handle, ElektraDeferredCallList *list)
 Execute deferred calls from list on given invoke handle. More...
int elektraDeferredCallAdd (ElektraDeferredCallList *list, const char *name, KeySet *parameters)
 Add a new deferred call to the deferred call list. More...
ElektraDeferredCallList * elektraDeferredCallCreateList (void)
 Create new deferred call list. More...
void elektraDeferredCallDeleteList (ElektraDeferredCallList *list)
 Delete deferred call list. More...
void elektraDeferredCallsExecute (Plugin *plugin, ElektraDeferredCallList *list)
 Execute deferred calls on given plugin. More...

Detailed Description

Library for invoking exported plugin functions.